Αλεξάνδρα Νίκα: Τα πρώτα λόγια του μαιευτήρα της – «Δεν ήταν προγραμματισμένος ο τοκετός»

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Τις πιο ευτυχισμένες στιγμές της ζωής τους βιώνουν ο Κωνσταντίνος Αργυρός και η Αλεξάνδρα Νίκα, μετά τη γέννηση του γιου τους εχθές το μεσημέρι της Παρασκευής, 22/11, μια στιγμή, που το διάσημο ζευγάρι περίμενε με ανυπομονησία.
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Who cates she isn't the only who gave birth tekax.Tou make it sound if she is the Goddess. 😂😂😂Hestiksme about her and Agiros. Keep the comments to yourselfs we don't want to know. None of our business. We haveother important issues to be concerned about like children dying everyday. Trust me their relationship is full of lies, they pretending they are both happy and proud they became parents. Agiros acts, he goes outhete in public smiling to fiol everyone. Including himself he is miserable unhappy has many issues problems with his personal life. He ain't perfect or rich.Strugglling😂😂😂😂
