The American Trinity: The Three Values that Make America Great | 5-Minute Videos

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Nearly every country on Earth is defined by race or ethnicity. Not America. What makes the United States different? Dennis Prager outlines the values that have allowed the American people to flourish and, unlike immigrants almost everywhere else, transformed those who arrived from across the globe into full Americans—regardless of where they were born.

Race and ethnicity have defined every nation on earth. Except one: the United States of America. It is defined by values.

So, to understand America, you have to understand American values.

They are:

1. “E Pluribus Unum”

2. “Liberty”

3. “In God We Trust.”

I call this “The American Trinity.” I made up the name, but I didn’t make up the values. They are on every American coin.

The first, E Pluribus Unum, is Latin, meaning, “Out of many, one.” When first adopted as an American motto shortly after the American founding in 1776, it referred to the thirteen American colonies becoming one nation. Over time, however, most Americans understood the motto to mean one people from many backgrounds. To quote The E Pluribus Unum Project, funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities, “Over the years, E Pluribus Unum has also served as a reminder of America's bold attempt to make one unified nation of people from many different backgrounds and beliefs.”

In other words, America doesn’t care about your national or ethnic origins.

This explains why people who immigrate to America assimilate faster and more fully than immigrants to any other country.

Most of those who have immigrated to Europe, from, for example, Turkey – as millions have – are not considered fully German by fellow Germans or fully Swedish by fellow Swedes or fully Spanish by fellow Spaniards. This is even true of the children and grandchildren of those immigrants.

And, just as important, few of those immigrants – or their children or grandchildren – will ever feel fully German, Swedish, or Spanish. But a Turk who immigrates to the United States will be regarded as fully American – as American as any other American – the moment he or she becomes a citizen. And they – and certainly their children – will feel fully American.

Of course, America has not always lived up to this “e pluribus unum” ideal. But the ideal was always there. And it was applied to virtually every immigrant to America.

The second component of the American Trinity is liberty.

Now, you might ask, “Didn’t the French Revolution also enshrine liberty as a central national value? Wasn’t its motto “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”?

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"My concern is not whether God is on our side, my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right" - Abraham Lincoln.


You can tell I'm American because this video brought me to tears.


This is the first and last video I show to all of my U.S. History students.


I really enjoyed this video. In just over five minutes you completely encapsulated what America represents. That was brilliant.


school should be showing this short video weekly.


Did you know double tapping a comment likes it?


I'm Brazilian. This video message is very important. So, other important thing is influence of USA in another nation. So the values and prosperity of USA will affect the World. His fall, too. What we see happen in USA, in little time happen here in Brazil too.


My American Trinity is God, Country, Family. I wonder what theirs is.


America is hands down, far and away, the greatest nation on earth.


Great work Dennis! Scooby snacks for you.

Praying for Israel and the entire Middle East. 

My allegiance is to Liberty, and the Repubic.


Very well said. I'm showing this to my kids and my friend's kids.


I wish there was a British version of this channel. I'm a conservative, but English, and a lot of the USA-centric aspects of Prager I just can't relate to. (in addition to me low key believing the UK is the best country on earth).


great synthesis, worthwhile discussing 😊 everywhere


I was a godless heathen for the first 24 years of my life, and only when I finally accepted the word of god as truth, and Jesus as my savior did I finally start to have a good life and make good decisions that bettered myself and the people around me. Before that moment everything was just chaos and disorder, with a never ending amount of suffering to be had for myself and anyone who associated with me.

Jesus is the way, and the life my friends. To worship any false idol will bring only doom.


It benefited from high quality immigrants. It's now failing because of mass low quality immigrants.


It's impossible to guarantee equal outcome of 2 kids raised in the same home, how can anyone expect an entire population!?!


The teacher vs Athlete pay should be Teachers vs Athletes. 3M teachers earning x 70K = over $200 billion vs 3K athletes x about $4+ million = is about 12-15 billion. Teachers as a whole make about 10 times as much as all pro athletes combined.


I am not American. I am Scottish. I absolutely love America. Never relinquish your firearms


My wife was born and raised in Germany. She is probably a better citizen than many Americans born in the USA. She has grabbed onto the idea of America with both hands and ain't letting go!


Creator != gawd. In God we Trust was not added to the money for decades after the country was formed. It's a fallacious argument.
