OET Speaking Role Play (Medicine): Second Role Play

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This video was filmed to help candidates familiarise themselves with the format of the Speaking sub-test. In this video, you will see an OET Medicine candidate and an interlocutor undertaking one of the Speaking role-plays. (Note: Please find the feedback below)

While this was filmed for educational purposes, and there is no grade given, we have feedback for this video located here:

Feedback for Sample test 2:

The candidate is very easy to understand and has very good control of vocabulary and grammatical expression to communicate effectively. She speaks fluently with very little pausing to search for language. Her tone, register and vocabulary are all appropriate for the situation. She summarises the situation, checks details with the parent, reassures her and provides details of the treatment and future prognosis. She shows very good information giving and gathering techniques and sequences the interview purposefully and logically, showing empathy and a respectful attitude.

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Venue courtesy: Melbourne Language Centre
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Good performance, however, I do have some comments about it. First of all, it is not preferable to use compound questions. From the start, the doctor did not introduce herself (she might have done that in the 1st role play, but this should be done in both of them because they are different patients). The doctor did not ask for permission when trying to describe or to explain things. Also, asking about understanding is a key point when giving new information. The doctor spoke too much without allowing the co-patient to speak. It was good that the doctor reassured the mother about the prognosis because she was worried about her son to grow up with the condition. However, it is better to say things like (try not to worry) because the mother was already worried about that, and then the doctor can reassure her. Showing sympathy and empathy is very important, especially when talking to parents about their children's conditions. Good luck for everyone who is going through the OET preparation.


As much as I appreciate the examinee, I really wish she would reduce all the "umms" and "aaah" and "sure"


so many mistakes
no introduction
compound questions
kinda hurrying into talking, listening patiently and showing that she is intently listening was missing
structure of discussion is missing, first she is talking about treatment and than if mother knows wat asthma is.
i dont know wat was on roleplay but most likely first let mother tell wat happened when she took kid to ED
than asking wat she understands by asthma
then adding up wats not clear to her
than asking her concerns
adressing them, insight abt triggers and how to avoid
then medication, action plan n red flags when she needs to bring kid to hospital
in the end asking again abt clarifying anything or any more concerns


Will you please send us the attachment of the role play paper for this section
