Webinar | Producing green cement using FCT calciner clay technologies - Part 1

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The concern about CO2 emission levels from industrial processes is growing around the world. Cement as the most consumed building product in the world, represents a significant contribution to the man-made CO2 emissions. It is estimated that cement related emissions need to fall by at least 16% by 2030, and far more than that if the nations are to meet the Paris Climate Accord target below 2 degrees Celsius of warming this century.

Reaching those limits will require the widespread adoption of less carbon intensive cement alternatives, and clinker substitution is by far the most effective. The wide availability of clay, with relatively well spread and considerably available deposits in most places around, constitute the most suitable alternative of SCM for coping with the projected worldwide demand for cement.

In the first two presentations of this series of seminars, FCT will discuss the clay activation process, the heat treatment to promote the dihydroxylation of the material, resulting in the collapse and breakdown of the clay structure to form compounds with hydraulic binding characteristics. In the first presentation, FCT will present its FlashCalx Flash Calciner Technology; and continuing in January, FCT will present the RotaCalx Rotary Kiln alternative for clay calcination.
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