Не работает ближний или дальный свет фар ваз 2107 ,самая частая поломка и её ремонт .

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Очень часто фара перестаёт светить и пропадает то ли ближний то ли дальний свет.Причин может быть много,на самом деле,но очень часто всё просто и исправить поломку можно за минуту .Так как при свечении любой лампочки она греется,контакты начинают подгорать и разгибаться,для ремонта достаточно просто подогнуть их.В данном видео после продолжительных поисков поломки, хозяином автомобиля ,он всё таки решился спросить у меня в чём может быть дело.При первой же проверки оказалось ,что просто нет контакта на лампочке,ремонт занял пол минуты.До этого момента были поменяны и поджаты двадцать раз предохранители ,реле включения ,разъёмы входящие в блок предохранителей и просто два дня мне выносили мозг вопросами почему и доколе.При первой же проверке контролькой была обнаружена простая причина поломки .Исправление заняло пол минуты.Не будь как Серёга ,смотри ютуб ремонтируй машину сам .
Very often the headlight stops shining and either the low beam or the high beam disappears. There can be many reasons, in fact, but very often everything is simple and you can fix the breakdown in a minute. Since when any light bulb lights up, it heats up, the contacts begin to burn and unbend In this video, after a long search for a breakdown, the owner of the car, he still decided to ask me what the matter might be. At the first check, it turned out that there was simply no contact on the light bulb, the repair took half a minute. Up to this point, the fuses, switching relays, connectors included in the fuse box were changed and tightened twenty times, and just for two days they took out my brain with questions why and for how long. At the very first check, the control revealed a simple cause of the breakdown. The correction took half a minute. Do not be like Seryoga, watch YouTube, repair the car yourself.
Very often the headlight stops shining and either the low beam or the high beam disappears. There can be many reasons, in fact, but very often everything is simple and you can fix the breakdown in a minute. Since when any light bulb lights up, it heats up, the contacts begin to burn and unbend In this video, after a long search for a breakdown, the owner of the car, he still decided to ask me what the matter might be. At the first check, it turned out that there was simply no contact on the light bulb, the repair took half a minute. Up to this point, the fuses, switching relays, connectors included in the fuse box were changed and tightened twenty times, and just for two days they took out my brain with questions why and for how long. At the very first check, the control revealed a simple cause of the breakdown. The correction took half a minute. Do not be like Seryoga, watch YouTube, repair the car yourself.