MongoDB replica set deployment- Problems resolved. Connecting to mongoDB compass

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In this video you will learn how to setup #mongodb for #production. We will be creating a #cluster of mongodb using #replicaset, which is the recommended way to #deploy mongodb for production. We will also discuss common problems faced during deployment and also the solution of the same.
mongod --port=2740 --replSet=rs31 --dbptah=E:\data\data1
mongod --port=2741 --replSet=rs31 --dbptah=E:\data\data2
---connect to one node------
mongosh --port 2740
---relplica set initiation and adding---
---mongoDB compass connection string--
mongod --port=2740 --replSet=rs31 --dbptah=E:\data\data1
mongod --port=2741 --replSet=rs31 --dbptah=E:\data\data2
---connect to one node------
mongosh --port 2740
---relplica set initiation and adding---
---mongoDB compass connection string--
MongoDB replica set deployment- Problems resolved. Connecting to mongoDB compass
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