Yusuf The Conqueror Ep 23 | Grim Situation of Granada Before Yusuf ibn Tashfin's Arrival

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Yusuf ibn Tashfin or Tashafin (reigned c. 1061 - 1106) (Arabic: يوسف بن تاشفين or يوسف بن تشفين) was an ethnic Berber and Almoravid ruler in North Africa and Al-Andalus (Moorish Iberia). After succeeding to the leadership of the reformist movement in 1060, he continued to expand his territorial base across the Maghreb, building Marrakech as his capital. In 1085, he was invited by the beleaguered Muslim emirs in Spain to assist them against the Christian Reconquista and inflicted a crushing defeat on the armies of Alfonso VI of Castile. The emirs thought he would go home after this, having completed what they had asked of him. He did go home but while there obtained opinions from Muslim jurists supporting the emirs' overthrow as lax and corrupt. In 1090 he crossed back over to Ibera, defeated and deposed the rulers, reuniting splintered Muslim territory into a single state. Although he did not add significantly to this territory, he succeeded in pushing back the Reconquista. He did annex Valencia, which resisted his armies until 1100. He died at the age of 101 six years later. The dynasty lasted until defeated by the even stricter Almohads in 1147. When Yusuf deposed and exiled the emirs, he promised that life would be better for his new subjects, that he would tax them more fairly and only levy bone fide Islamic taxes. Unfortunately, his heirs were soon fighting on two fronts, against the Reconquista in Spain and the Almoahds in Africa. In order to pay their armies, they went back on Yusuf's word and raised additional, non-Islamic taxes. They also failed to attract local support, governing Andalusia more or less as a colonial possession. Yusuf's pious but less skilled heirs did not survive the century before the dynasty collapsed. Yusuf was a highly competent and successful soldier, whose military achievements match or better those of any contemporary. The lesson that can be learned from his legacy is that when leaders fail to keep promises, others will question their moral right to rule and engineer their downfall. Ironically, this was the argument that Yusuf had used to justify overthrowing his predecessors. On the other hand, he can not properly be blamed for his heirs' errors. Their real failing was less their change of policy than failing to attract popular support. The people may have understood the need for modification in the face of the military crises. When rulers promise to improve life for the many, then fail to deliver, people have a legitimate cause for complaint.

Al-Mu'tamid Muhammad ibn Abbad al-Lakhmi (Arabic: المعتمد محمد ابن عباد بن اسماعيل اللخمي; reigned c. 1069–1091, lived 1040–1095), also known as Abbad III, was the third and last ruler of the Taifa of Seville in Al-Andalus, as well as a renowned poet. He was the final ruler of the Arab Abbadid dynasty of Seville, before being deposed by the Almoravids in 1091When he was 13 years old, Al-Mu'tamid's father bestowed on him the title of Emir and appointed the Andalusi Arabic poet Ibn Ammar as his vizier. However, Al-Mu'tamid fell strongly under the influence of Ibn Ammar. Al-Mu’tamid's father was wary of Ibn Ammar and the influence he had, ultimately sending him into exile.After the death of his father Abbad II al-Mu'tadid in 1069, Al-Mu'tamid inherited Seville as caliph. One of his first acts was to recall Ibn Ammar and to bestow military honours and high political offices on him, including as Governor of Silves and Prime Minister of the government in Seville. This reconciliation would later be rebuked for unknown reasons.

Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn ʿAmmār ibn al-Ḥusayn ibn ʿAmmār al-Quḍā'ī (Arabic: أبو بكر محمد بن عمّار;1031–1086), known as Ibn Ammar, in Spanish sources found as Abenámar, was an Arab poet from Silves.

Ibn Ammar became vizier to the taifa of Seville. Though he was poor and unknown, his skill in poetry brought him the close friendship of the young Abbad III al-Mu'tamid. However, Al-Mu'tamid's father, Abbad II al-Mu'tadid disapproved of the relationship and sent him into exile.

Al-Mu'tamid named him prime minister some time after the death of his father. Ibn Ammar was reputed to be unbeatable at chess; according to Abdelwahid al-Marrakushi, his victory in a game convinced Alfonso VI of Castile to turn away from Seville.

He engineered the annexation of the taifa of Murcia to the kingdom of Seville, and convinced al-Mu'tamid to name him as its governor. He proclaimed himself its king and cut off relations with al-Mu'tamid. He soon fell from power, was captured in an ambush, and was imprisoned in Seville. Al-Mu'tamid was initially inclined to forgiveness, but was later incensed by something he read in an intercepted letter sent by Ibn Ammar from his prison cell. The king then killed the poet with his own hands

#YousafIbnTashfin #YusufIbnTashfin
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Good luck ❤Aççhi series Hy. But upload series is not In order and huge time is being waste for the meet the tasks please upload it in order I will be highly thankful to you 💕 be the best always inshallah ameen An early action is required please Thanks
