Parental Alienation Myth - PA only effects one gender

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I need help. Desperately. My situation is out of control and my kids are suffering terribly. I have no one that will help me and I'm embarrassed to say that the mental and emotional toll this has taken on me has rendered me useless. Please. I'm pretty well self educated on the psychology of these issues because i was going to represent myself. I dont have any money. I'm terrified for my children. I havent talked to my 17 year old son in exactly a year. I haven't little girl who's 15 since my birthday in September of 2019. I only am barely allowed to see my 11 year son becuase he's autistic and can't be manipulated by his mom. But he's begging to worry me with stuff he says because its stuff like he hates his life and wishing he were dead. I dont know what to do. The sherriff dept won't help. Cps won't help. Her family helps her get away with the things she does, and my family completely abandoned me I have no one left but my little boy and my kids need me. They need their daddy. They don't hate me. 17 years we were a family and all the sudden my kids hate me and think all the worst things anobt me. I have all the physical provable evidence you could ask for. I've just fallen apart mentally. I beg you. Please. My kids are being abused. If you've ever listen to Dr Craig Childress, my situation is what his worst depiction of this dynamic would be. That is no exaggeration. I live in Texas. Please comment on this. Please
