The Big Bang Theory and Red-Shift | GCSE Physics | Doodle Science

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The big bang theory is currently the accepted theory for how the universe was created. The theory states that originally all the matter in the universe was concentrated into a single incredibly tiny point, which exploded and began to enlarge rapidly and is still expanding today.

We know the universe is expanding because of the Doppler effect. You may have noticed that when an ambulance or police car goes past, its siren is high-pitched as it comes towards you, then becomes low-pitched as it goes away. This effect, where there is a change in frequency and wavelength, is called the Doppler effect and it doesn't only happen with sound.

We can see it happening with light when we look at distant stars. The light is being stretched towards the red end of the spectrum because the object is moving away from us, just as it was with the police car. Evidence for this is shown by the location of these black lines in the spectrum of our Sun and in other stars. The black lines are where different elements such as helium absorb light. They are shifted towards the red end of the spectrum because of the Doppler effect. But be careful, just because things moving away from us are shifted towards the red end of the spectrum, doesn't mean they necessarily look red, they just have a longer wavelength.
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The Big Bang was not actually an explosion. It was actually when the Universe was so hot and dense that space-time curved, which lead to a rapid expansion of space. Our solar system probably did form from an explosion, but it was just some of the first stars in our cosmos going supernova. Minutephysics says -for this reason- that the Big Bang should be renamed to the "Everywhere Stretch."


place 3 barrels at top of invisible waterfall in an invisible river - 1 m apart.  climb into middle barrel - get donkey kong to release the barrels.
as 1st barrel goes over falls, it accelerates away from the other 2 - REDSHIFT.
as 2nd barrel goes over falls, it stays redshifted to 1st and can never catch up to 1st's velocity - it also accelerates away from 3rd - REDSHIFT
when 3rd goes over falls, it stays redshifted to the 1st and 2nd cause it can never catch up in velocity -

to you in the 2nd barrel - it may even appear as if space is expanding - but to donkey kong's perspective, space remains constant.


ALL galaxies are accelerating toward a common distant gravity beyond our powers of perception.

The few galaxies which are blue-shifted are part of binary galactic systems whose orbit swings them toward us temporarily until they reach apogee and resume redshift.


I have my P1 exam tomorrow and you've legit saved my life- danke!XD


nice, short and sweet, red shift understood thanks :)


Thanks for what you do you're helping a lot of gcse students!


The edge of our observable part of the Universe is at 46.5 billion light years from us in every direction.
The light from the farthest galaxy at the edge of the observable area is redshifted.
There are two possible explanations for the redshift:
- speed of the distant galaxy
- gravitational redshift caused by the whole mass of the Universe
(Gravitational distribution of the observable part of the Universe can not be compared with hollow sphere,
because the mass is not distributed in the outer edge, but across the entire volume.)
To elliminate the gravitational redshift we must assume the same mass on the other side of the edge galaxy,
to balance the gravitational pull of the mass on this side.
So, if one wants to say that the redshift is caused by speed of the edge galaxy, he must assume the
same mass behind the edge galaxy as the mass in front of it.
Do we have reason to assume different density there?
Different density would cause different behavior of the invisible part of the Universe behind the edge galaxy.
So, The same as we see the sphere around us with radius of 46.5 billion light years, so the edge galaxy does.
In the direction towards the edge galaxy there is 46.5 bllion light years in front of it that we can see,
and another 46.5 billion light years behind it that we can not see.
That is 93 billion light years in total.
In every direction.
What does it tell us about expansion speed of the "expanding Universe"?

What will it be?
1. There is "no Universe" beyond our observable part, everything is within 46.5 billion light years radius,
redshift is caused by gravitationaj field of the observable part and it eliminates the speed and the expansion?
2. There is "more Universe" beyond our observable part, something is within 93 billion light years radius,
maybe more out of it, redshift is not caused by gravitational distribution and galaxies do run away at the increasing speed?
HOW FAST during 13.8 billion years of existence?

Maybe "the truth" is somewhere inbetween?
How many Big Bangs there was/is/will be out of our observable part?


"Now that explosive constant outward division as time unfolds C2 like that from the Sun takes about eight minutes to reach Earth.. .  .And we know the greater the energy or mass the slower time runs.. .  .The greater the 4pi energy compression +1=0 now -1 the shorter the expanding 2pi spiral wavelengths.. .  .Thus the positive surface of a negative expanding light sphere forms input +1=0 now -1 output wave chain reactions from A to B.. .  .This is the reason for entanglement +1=0 now -1 unfolding 2pi spiral radians because light spheres have 4pi spherical symmetry.. .  .

In the future a locational 4pi spherical inward absorption +1=0 now -1 outward emission of quantized spherical wavefronts of electromagnetic radiation the photon polarization between the crests and troughs will be set sharing the same expanding moment of time no matter how large they become until acted upon by an external force.. .  .  However blue light has greater energy thus a larger oscillating wave amplitude +1=0 now -1 the 2pi spiral radians have a larger Volume area thus scatters more than red light wavelengths because red light has a lower energy thus a smaller oscillating wave amplitude +1=0 now -1 the 2pi spiral radians have a smaller Volume area thus can penetrate straight through gases, dust, and interference from other sources.. .  .

Therefore because blue light photons have to propagate within larger spirals or Volume area they simply lag behind red light photons over many light years from A to B.. .  .

Therefore the big bung theory is busted.. .  .:LOL!!!

Instead in the future everything will be formed by a locational 4pi spherical inward absorption +1=0 now -1 outward emission of electromagnetic waves.. .  .All motion is 2pi spiral.. .  .And all direction is 4pi spherically curved.. .  .

Everything is made of just Two Spherical Sine Wavefronts Compressing +1=0 now -1 de-compressing Two Opposing Spiral Vortices!!.. .  .
From virtual pair's of plasma, to gases, liquids, and solid Fibonacci fractals!!
Only difference is their rate of vibration, or time dilating Volume now at the centre of their own 3D ref-frames within the One Infinite Universe.. .  .and therein lies the secret of the universal pulse beat.. .  .All motion is 2pi spiral.. .  .And all direction is 4pi spherically curved.. .  .

Atomic particles are really high wave amplitude "Wave Centres of pure Vibration" from regions of intense surrounding wave pressure made of vibrating wavefronts concentrically layered like onions called shells in particle physics, or Spherical Standing Wave Structures over a period of time now -1 their output was the negation of their input: 0 goes to 1, 1 to 0.. .  .the start of the Fibonacci spiral!!

Velocity equals time density +1=0 now -1 density of space-time.. .  .
V= td +1=0 now -1 ds-t.. .  .
Time is inverse multiplying+1=0 now -1 dividing like frequency and wavelength.. . 

Time is shorter at ones feet than at their head because of the geometry basically the greater the energy compression contracting space time +1=0 now -1 the shorter the expanding wavelengths transverses an inward acceleration or gravitation wavefront by wavefront as time unfolds C2.. .  .
Gravitational systems now -1 were the ashes from prior electrical systems +1=0 now -1 space is a division of solidity as time unfolds into entropy C2 the second law of thermodynamics.. .  .But also in the future E2 will equal a multiplication of Volume +1=0 now at the expense of -1 gravitational potential.. .  .Like now within the Suns corona."
