'Εύχομαι ειρήνη για όλο τον κόσμο' από τη Σρι Μάτατζι Νίρμαλα Ντέβι

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"I wish peace for the whole world, for the whole nations, to understand to give up all the strives, all the false battles, for money and for power, all wrong ideas that they are different from each other, and come under the banner of Sahaja Yoga and enter into the Kingdom of God, where they are invited with all respect and love.

I wish peace to all of them, to all the countries, all the human beings, in their families, in their hearts, with their children. With all of them, let there be peace, let their heart emit peace, their tongues speak with peace, their eyes see nothing but peace.

All this has to change, tremendous change has to take place, the whole universe has to take a different turn. All that is hatred, hateful, ugly, has to vanish, and the peace has to prevail, which is not the peace of the dead but peace of the living, that has to come, of the wise.

I bless all of you to be the channels of that peace, to be beautiful channels of that peace, to be glorious channels of that peace, to be great children of your Mother, who is so proud of you.

May God bless you."

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation
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