Dead Man's Blues (live Kelly's Olympian)

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Cody Weathers and the Men Your Mama Warn You About perform "Dead Man's Blues" live at Kelly's Olympian, featuring the stick-to-your-ribs funky bass stylings of Sean Mersereau.

Sean Mersereau: bass
Cody Weathers: vocal, drums
Jean Gustin: guitar

Dead Man's Blues
by Cody Weathers

I've got the waking man's fever, the dead man's blues, I'm bundled in a blanket with only you to think of, and I know you think it too. I've got the wisdom of children that guides my head, I think about logic, but blush instead to turn you from your titan and his bed. CH:But I will retain your heart when it's over. You and your rattletrap cargo are overdue, you're hunting through the islands for something new to chew on, and you know I taste it too. You say the thunder doesn't scare you when you're alone, you only wanted weakness to draw someone beside you. Now this weakness is your own. CH. Something quite disturbing when you turn yourself upon your past. Still, I am invited, though there is no promise this will last. I've got the waking man's fever, the dead man's blues, I'm tripping on my coffin in these new shoes, do you hear that? Because the titan hears it too.
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