LifeWave | Testimonials | Back Pain, Restless Legs & Mental Clarity | Nov 2023 | T 010

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LifeWave | Testimonials | Back Pain, Restless Legs & Mental Clarity | Testimonials - 010

This lady's son had a motorbike accident in 2012 that left him paralysed from the waist down

His mom and him started the LifeWave patches simultaneously in early 2023.

He uses X39 and Aeon everyday. He recently added X49 and uses IceWave when needed.

* His back feels better.
* He gets great energy and clarity.
* Also, though he is paralysed, his legs tend to be very restless, to the point that he can even " kick himself " out of a chair (his legs are calmer now).

#lifewave #naturalhealth #stemcells #testimonials #backpain #restlesslegs #mentalclarity



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