Future-proofing for changing threats in refreshed Defence Command Paper

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The Government has outlined plans to invest £2.5bn in the UK Armed Forces to enable it to 'get there first' in refreshed plans to improve the UK military's warfighting readiness.

The Defence Command Paper Refresh (DCP23) outlines the investment in stockpiles and a Global Response Force, to keep the UK "on track to act as a global heavyweight both now and in the future", according to the Ministry of Defence (MOD).

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The only person in Government who speaks the truth.


Ben Wallace will be missed. He should have had better support both from the government MoD and HM Treasury.
Its not irresponsible to defend the nation rather the first responsibility of government.


The Minister did make many good points. The war in Ukraine should be a wake up call to the realities faced by the UK Armed Forces, and all its shortcomings.


Maybe if David Cameron didn't slash our military's personnel and funding, we would still have a tier 1 army.


It's about time they increase The size of the armed forces of this country instead of cutting them left, right and centre


Doesn't alter the fact that all of UK Forces are far too small.


Need to invest in a lot more infantry regiments. We have far to few to be worthwhile


I hope this man and hopefully his replacement at least promise a slight increase to the military numbers across the board. As it is right now (as I understand it) the army specifically will have some more personnel cut to potentially help out with this filling out scheme he mentioned some months ago (as In making it smaller to equip and stockpile faster), this may lead to an increase in the number of soldiers later down the road when the projected increase to the armed forces comes into effect, but it should’ve been done a LOT sooner. I myself have applied for the navy, wanting mostly just to join out of pride and because literally nowhere else will have me 😂😂 but with this slight unemployment crisis going on and thousands of young people like myself somewhat struggling, MAKE IT APPARENT that this is an option and make the benefits apparent for retention, especially with this latest pay increase to the many people in the forces


Its a shame he is moving on. He understands the problems. At some point UK needs to set its priorities. Do we want to throw away money on International aid, looking after illegal immigrants and supporting the work shy, or do we want to invest in our defences and our industry


3:15 Wise words to live by, sir. Especially when you decide to eat out.


All we know is government wants to spend more, cut more. With an election next year, cuts will come to fund the civil service and benefit queues all the while national debt is eye watering. When will the proper cuts start?


He tried his best the top man, but the powers that be are still just providing lip service. The command paper is really just underlining steps already taken from what I can see, and provides little or nothing new.


Then why has the US described our military not being fit for purpose? We’ve seen our military shrink every decade for the past 50-60 years, and it continues. This government like others took their eye off the ball, and allowed the world to become more dangerous without challenge. We need a commitment from all politicians to put our military back into a state where we are able to respond to any situation. We are far away from that right now.


Be a shame to see him go, he was a good defence sec.


Ben Wallace has said cutting the size of the British Army is necessary or troops would have to be sent into battle equipped with “pitchforks”.


British military defence give ukriane £2.3 billion, including over 360, 000 rounds of heavy artillery ammunition; hundreds of millions of pounds’ worth of strategic UAS; and hundreds of additional air defence missiles this is turn a joke, this shouldn’t not happen, the amout of money what prime minister give the army won’t even help or replace everything what we give to Ukraine


Wot a guy make the army the best again respect ladx


'Talk softly but carry a big stick' is a pertinent old saying. Unfortunately we are now carrying a rather small stick which is being whittled away.


£2.5 billion? the NHS was just given £3billion on top of their already vast wasteful budget while at the same time the Army is still being cut to 72500, smaller than it was at the time of Waterloo when our population was 10% of today's figure.


The man clearly has an outspoken and elaborate vision about defence. Whether this vision is the right one or only contains a number of strong points but lacks coherence and had too many loose ends, I'll leave that to the defence analysts, who probably won't agree with each other as so often. I'm still very sceptical whether all the money that will go to the F 35 is in the longer term money well spend. For the moment being, stealth planes might still have lots of advantages, but what within 10, 15 years from now on. Because, these planes are so expensive we were promised they will be around for several decades. Knock on wo.... uhm radar absorbing materials....
