Drunk Book Tags 🥂| Your Answer Can't Be Books Tag

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@EmilyReadsBooks tagged me in this so lets do it!

Original tag:

1. What is something that you own way too many of, other than books?
2. What is something that you do for fun that’s not reading a book?
3. What is something special or important on your nightstand, that’s not a book?
4. What’s something that you buy at a bookstore other than books?
5. What’s a fun gift that you’ve received that wasn’t a book or a gift card for books?
6. What’s a YouTube channel that you watch, that’s not related to books?
7. Tag five BookTubers that you want to learn more about.

I tag:
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Yes!!!! I’m so glad you did this tag! I love that you are also a knitter! That is so cool. AND you dyed your own yarn? Coolest ever.
Also you’ll LOVE the switch! It’s so fun and I love cozy games!


I love this! I was racking my brain, trying to figure out what I would answer that had nothing to do with books. Cause you’re right, my entire personality is books.
Thanks for tagging me!


Thanks for the Tag! Might be time to revisit this tag!


Thanks for the tag. I actually did this awhile ago, but I’ll do a different tag of your choice!
