The value of health. A societal perspective. | Lieven Annemans | TEDxLeuvenSalon

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Curious to know how much money people are willing to pay for an extra year of life? Is there such a thing as an ideal level of health? What are the benefits and returns to others?

In this eyeopening talk, Lieven Annemans presents us with a big question: in an age of exponential health technology, how far are we willing to go to pay for this.

Lieven Annemans is Senior Full Professor of Health Economics at the Faculty of Medicine at Ghent University and Guest Professor at Vlerick Business School, Belgium and Bern University, Switzerland.

He has twenty years of experience in health economics research in over 20 countries and published over 250 papers on health economic evaluations of prevention programmes, medicines, medical devices and diagnostics.

He was advisor to the Belgian Minister of Health from 2001 to 2003 and president of the Flemish health council from 2003 to 2009. He was president of the International Society of Pharmaco-economics (ISPOR) in 2004-2005.
He is author of books on health economic evaluations (‘health economics for non-economists’) and on the future of our health care systems.

He provides international lectures, trainings and advice on health economics, health care system reform and health technology assessment (HTA).

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This is interesting ! The health economic concept of "healthy life year" is explained so easily ! And the political concerns and factors described in such easy terms ! simply marvelous !
