OhPonyBoy - Mox Supra Jupiter

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The Stellae Key is a animated musical webseries made by OhPonyBoy. Follow the epic journey of OPB, Apricis and Plintho through an original SF universe ! Ponies, beers and cursed artifacts !





Right above Jupiter,
it started just like that,
it's a strange story, let me tell :
I was far from Earth, quiet in my rocket,
When I hear a sound like a foot beat :

A call for help from the Lyrae star,
A story of pirates and a lost mare,
Cursed artifacts and stolen treasure,
In a forbidden place, it’s a lost sector.

I play with danger and life, I'm not afraid,
Brace yourself, I turn on the reactors,
Twenty parsec per hour, kissing Milky Way,
With beers on the keyboard it’s so much better.

Tell me Mister OhPonyBoy
Can you feel this power ?
Down, under the galaxy,
There are 3 keys and a door.

I don't remember very well, I guess I was drunk,
I’m in a beerhouse with some shitty music,
Looking for rumors, hanging around the bar,
The boss comes and asks “what do you drink ?”

Uuh. An orgasm.
On the rocks please.

Suddenly, fighting sounds come from the street,
Seems like Gryphons launch electrical shocks,
And in the middle of that, she was lost,
With an odd necklace around her neck.

I throw myself into the fray to grab her hoof,
And we run at my ship, really badly parked.
A hundred boats arrive pissed off,
Shit … we're gonna get out of here.

TRANSLATION (thanks =D !)

➥French, English : OhPonyBoy
➥Russian : Alkarasu
➥German : Günz
➥Japanese :

OhPonyBoy (c) 2016 SACEM - TuneCore
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You know what ? There is still original artists. And the fandom is alive.


Lol the sign " fuck off away from MY BEDROOM"


you know. . .I don't know if there is anything like a space ship that is controlled by playing music but if not there really should be. It's such a awesome idea.


This is awesome and downright original. I'm so glad there's still stuff like this coming up in the fandom


Proving once again, music can pierce the language barrier. Awesome job! Loved it!


02:35: La planète! :'''-(
Vite ! Bricole une machine à remonter dans le temps, s'il te plaît !!


Whoah! So THIS is the project you've been teasing! I must say I didn't expect something this big. A whole musical webseries!! And it's looking so great so far! Also I must say that this was funny as heck XD I mean the lyrics...("je crois que j'étais bourré", "mon vaisseau vachement mal garé", etc.) the whole beer thing, the pace... Made me smile throughout pretty much all of it XD And that drinks list at the bar! lol! Hey but you know those names really remind me of an actual cocktail bar that we have here in Strasbourg, they have the same kind of names on their menu, to be fun, I'm not kidding! It's a great bar by the way, I recommend it if you ever come in Alsace ;)
Personally I'm not too much into songs that are sung in French (yes, despite being French myself...), I would have preferred English songs (despite any accent! :P), but that's just a preference of mine.
Above all I really commend your motivation and creativity for making something like this! We need more ponies like you in the community!
Also, yes, the Interstella 5555 vibe from this... Any tribute intended?
Et puis c'est quoi ce design des vaisseaux, en fait c'est EDM contre musique classique? XD (le keys contre les violons)
Anyway this is so incredibly promising, you've got all my support!
Preordered! :)


I'm impressed at how much your animation has improved compared to your previous videos. And it might be just me, but I was reminded of the music video for Daft Punk's "Digital Love" when I first saw this. Eagerly awaiting more from this series!! /)


There is something so weirdly cool about this! Maybe it's the blending of the languages with the sci-fi setting....I don't know but I like it.


Tu ne te souviens pas de moi je sais, mais j'ai réaliser que je ne t'avais jamais proprement remercier pour l'aide que tu m'a procurer il y as 6ans de cela, j’étais au collège et je devait chanter une chanson de mon choix pour un projet
Tu m'a donner l'instrumentale de cette musique (enfin la première version de cette musique ;p) et m'a permis pour la première fois de chanter quelque chose que j'appréciais réellement alors que je m'intéressait peu a la musique a l'époque
Tu est la raison pour laquelle je me suis intéresser a la musique et que j'ai découvert de superbe œuvre, alors MERCI tu as beaucoup offert a ma vie

(Ps:Et j'ai eu un 17/20 au projet de mon collège XD)


Mais..WHAT ?! O.O tu es français ?!


That was awesome!
It kind of reminds me of what I'm sure a lot of people were hoping for based on the Dragonfire panel in BronyCon 2015, instead of the POS that ended up being.


I have watched this since It came out. This is the first time Ive looked for English captions or lyrics. Why didn’t I do this sooner, these are amazing


Enfin, le début du fameux projet !
On l'attendait la suite depuis .


I am glad to see somepony taking the risk of making OC content. I am looking forward to see how this story unfolds.


De la pure musique électro. On dirait un tube des années 80 ! ^^
Le barman a ... visiblement un ... soucis dans sa vie. XD


Cette animation déchire ! Tu viens de gagner un Backer pour le projet.


"Le barman a visiblement un souci dans sa vie" (tiens d'ailleurs y'a une faute, souci c'est au singulier ^^) J'aime ces easter eggs, comme BB8 bien caché ^^

Eh bien que dire... J'ai énormément hâte de voir la suite, ça a l'air extra cool, l'espace et la magie ensemble c'est parfait :D Et puis que ça soit en français c'est bien aussi, ça change de d'habitude! (ta voix rend mieux en français aussi je trouve)


Damn, tu t'es vraiment amélioré sur l'animation OhPonyBoy, c'est vraiment bien fait et au fait bonne chance pour la campagne Indiegogo. ^_^


Video de très bonne qualité, tant au niveau sonore que visuel.
Très bon niveau de chant aussi, je ne peux que t'encourager à continuer et te dire merci pour tes vidéos.
