Why NO ONE Plays: Itto | Genshin Impact

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For over 2 years, Arataki Itto was the premiere Geo character, sporting his trademark Mono Geo team as an alternative yet surprisingly viable team to delve into on the off chance players wanted to try something else. Age however has gotten the better of him, and the oni has failed to withstand the test of time. Today we'll be looking into Why NO ONE Plays: Itto.
~Editor (Mindlesslight)~
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#GenshinImpact #WhyNoOnePlays #Itto
~Editor (Mindlesslight)~
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#GenshinImpact #WhyNoOnePlays #Itto
Why NO ONE Plays: Itto | Genshin Impact
I Have Never Seen An Itto Like This In Genshin Impact
The Real Reason Players Are Pulling For Itto-
Itto is getting so much hate because he keeps appearing in every patch - Genshin Impact #aratakiitto
Does Itto Really Deserve This...
Something is clearly wrong with Itto | Genshin Impact
The REAL Reason NO ONE Talks About Itto...
The SCARIEST Itto EVER In Genshin Impact
Itto Mono Geo & Ganyu Melt. Spiral Abyss 5.4. Genshin Impact 5.4
this is why i don’t want itto
Itto was not happy after this!
Why Should You Pull For Arataki Itto? | Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact - Itto facts
What did Itto tried to do ? Wrong answers only. #genshinimpact #itto #kukishinobu
Who is the BEST GEO DPS?? Navia vs Noelle vs Itto ! [ Genshin Impact ]
bro don't mess with Itto mains 💪💀 #shorts #genshinimpact #funny
Itto Isn't Free 2 Play Friendly #genshinimpact #genshin #aratakiitto
The Itto pulls did not Agree with me... 😭 #shorts
Itto is PREGNANT in Genshin Impact!? (Try Not To Laugh)
What Your Genshin Impact Main Says About YOU Part 4 | Itto Mains
Itto You are the one (-_-;) || Genshin Impact #genshin
Itto has W rizz 💞 #genshin #genshinimpact
Itto once said..😂 #genshin #genshinimpact