Why NO ONE Plays: Itto | Genshin Impact

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For over 2 years, Arataki Itto was the premiere Geo character, sporting his trademark Mono Geo team as an alternative yet surprisingly viable team to delve into on the off chance players wanted to try something else. Age however has gotten the better of him, and the oni has failed to withstand the test of time. Today we'll be looking into Why NO ONE Plays: Itto.

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I pray they make Chiori the miracle support that enables using two other elements in Itto teams. I wanna see my boy back in the meta


I think the main issue a lot of people have with Itto is how much you have to invest into OTHER character for HIM to be good


been an itto main since he came out and proud to say im one of the 12 geo enjoyers out there hes just so fun to play and max crushed his role as the va for him


Itto's biggest problem isn't him, it's Gorou. If Itto got a new support that doesn't rely on Mono Geo to work, he would immediately go up a tier, maybe more. He's so close to being great, but that just isn't the case right now.

That said, I do think that similar to Xiao, the "Why No One Plays" title doesn't really fit him, since he's still quite the popular character. For the people that do have his team built up, he tends to be a popular choice even against the competition, due to not stealing supports and his ability to get through any content that isn't a Geo Slime. Bosses, two-target, multi-wave, he's good enough for anything, despite his issues.

A huge part of why Itto remains popular among the playerbase that you didn't mention is his amazing personality and voice work (at least in English, I can't comment on the other dubs). There's a reason he shows up in so many events, it's because people love the big guy. His fun dialogue and the 11/10 performance by Max Mittelman make him a joy to see on screen. He's the hilarious himbo big bro of the cast, and people love him for it, so they use him in spite of his issues.


You can basically make a list of characters who weren't buffed by Furina and that will be a large majority of the underperforming characters.


Tbh there really needs to be a real savior of geo. People say navia saved the geo element but in reality she only saved herself from being another niche geo unit. We need a geo unit who can not only buff geo units but also works with the other elements. That would be a true savior of geo and our prayers lies on chiori where she will be a geo unit and save itto from being beaten up more by navia and noelle


Having him can be fun but the fact that mono geo is essentially the only way you can get full value off of him is just too much to do. As an Itto main, he’s incredibly fun to play but without Gorou and your other geo units being there, he’s not as strong. That and having a domain that is specifically tailored for geo defense units makes it more of a hassle to invest into him and your other units for his team


Either way, Itto is the goofiest character in the game and I love him for that.


Itto was the whole reason I came back to Genshin after dropping it before 1.1 My best friend showed me his leaks and from October 2021 until his release in 2.3, I powerfarmed for him and got him and even his Redhorn, without spending money. I built my gorou, Zhongli, and respec-ed my Bennett and Itto was the only reason I could 36 star the abyss now before Fontaine. I don't use him as much now because I have Neuvillette and Wriothesley and Furina, but I still use him and will always love everything about him.


Correction, 10:56 mona is actually AMAZING on itto. I usually run him with gorou, mona and zhongli, and they work perfectly well. Itto causing shatter wouldn’t be a problem because it isnt a freeze team in the first place.


Honestly I know Itto’s not a top tier anymore, but I just love his playstyle so much. Will continue to be a mainstay of my abyss just because there aren’t many problems you can’t solve by bonking something really hard. Also, I agree that he needs a Faruzan-adjacent support, makes a great point there.


Something I hope for in Natlan is that claymore DPS’s get the support they should have had for a while so Ara-Arataki and End User License Agreement finally get pulled out of the pit they’re stuck in


I have a funny story about my Itto: My account got hacked some time ago and bought by some Russian guy during Itto's second rerun. My account is not very interesting, but mono geo is my most invested team simply because it has some of my favorite characters. I did get my account back, but to my surprise, the guy had pulled for Itto's signature weapon! I understand Itto is a very investment heavy character, but funilly enough the Russian guy did some of the investment for me and now Itto is by far my strongest character 😂😂


as an “i don’t care about meta” player, i am a geo enthusiast. my first ever 5* was albedo, my strongest character ever is itto, and i pull for every geo character without even blinking. i am a very casual and lazy player. i’ve been playing since the patch numbers started with “1” and i still haven’t completely cleared spiral abyss because i genuinely just don’t care about it😭 i love my geos!

edit: by the rare chance anyone sees this, i do have the ability to clear spiral abyss because I DO pull for more than just geos and i build them all, i’m just really lazy and prefer to just pretend like it doesn’t exist at all😭


Itto was one of the reasons I started playing Genshin. His geo team was my dream team and I'm happy that I achieved it. Investing on him is kinda tough since you need to either get his signature weapon, build his supports and farm his niche BiS artifact set. More casual players will find that difficult and even most of the pro players will opt to use other characters who are easy to build and more versatile. However, fully investing on him (again including his supports such as a c6 Gorou) isn't that bad and is still rewarding as his team can still somewhat compete. The changes in abyss blessing, mobs and mechanics are what I think makes him fall off especially now that we have Furina and that it's difficult to slot her in his team. As a dedicated Itto main myself, I still find him enjoyable and I'm still gonna play him even if I get other dps chars.


Let's just pray that Chiori does something for him, or the element as a whole, since we know Hoyo wont rework it despite it being inherently flawed


I don't like re-use characters in multiple teams because I like to use many gameplay so that didn't bother me to build a team for him. And I don't regret, he's very fun and really strong


His banner was the first fifty fifty I ever won so he always has a special place in my heart


This is not the video I wanted to see. I absolutely love the One and Oni Arataki Itto


I've had Itto and his signature weapon ever since his first banner, he still carried me with demolishing everything in spiral abyss until I quit the game a few months ago due to being burnt out and bored of the content. I do have him at c1, and he's a really powerful character against enemies that continuously come out. But the issue with him isn't just his team being mono Geo, it's also because you really need his signature weapon to deal massive amounts of damage. I also have Neuvillette with his signature weapon too, and his almost as powerful as my Itto team, by JUST himself and Venti. Both are good characters, but Itto NEEDS his signature weapon and team dedicated to him
