SCHD vs JEPI vs DIVO vs VTI… Who Wins?

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In this interesting video I cover the good, the bad, and the ugly of SCHD, JEPI, DIVO, and VTI, all of which are popular tickers to own amongst the dividend community.

Note: I've recently become a Seeking Alpha affiliate and they currently have a sale running where new people can sign up for their premium membership for only $99 for the first year (starting with a 7-day free trial that you can try and then cancel if you don't like it) versus the normal $239/year that I've paid for years. It's my favorite site for stock information out there, so I'm cool pitching it. They mentioned that they would probably be changing this offer soon, so verify what they are offering if you decide to try my link.

NOTE -- I mentioned IBM as an example stock that I personally wouldn't invest in (the point being some ETFs may hold certain positions you might otherwise not want) -- but that particular holding is no longer in SCHD after the reconstitution.. That's what I get for sometimes starting videos a while before I release them, haha. Also, on the DIVO site it mentions a 40%-90%ish return on capital from dividends in certain documents, which is different than the amount the person who did their taxes told me they had seen, so due your own due diligence :)

Note: I believe that SCHD uses their algorithm to do most of the stock filtering, and then their managers can tweak things as they feel makes sense.

0:00 Intro
0:52 VTI
2:15 Why I recommend VTI but I prefer my dividend stocks
3:39 Why I’m bullish about VTI & US stocks
4:08 VTI details
4:27 Quiz time!
7:01 VTI cont.
8:35 SCHD
9:51 Ideal person for SCHD
11:22 DIVO
13:33 International DIVO cc ETF aka IDVO
13:53 DIVO cont.
14:05 Economy & market predictions
14:37 JEPI
17:36 Who I think JEPI is ideal for
17:56 Equity-Linked Notes ELNs
19:11 Example JEPI taxes
19:34 ELN’s cont.
19:56 How much JEPI in a portfolio?
20:06 JEPI cont.
20:16 SCHD vs JEPI vs DIVO vs VTI winner
21:46 Outro

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Copyright © 2023 GenExDividendInvestor. All rights reserved.

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In this interesting video I cover the good, the bad, and the ugly of SCHD, JEPI, DIVO, and VTI, all of which are popular tickers to own amongst the dividend community.

Note: I've recently become a Seeking Alpha affiliate and they currently have a sale running where new people can sign up for their premium membership for only $99 for the first year (starting with a 7-day free trial that you can try and then cancel if you don't like it) versus the normal $239/year that I've paid for years. It's my favorite site for stock information out there, so I'm cool pitching it. They mentioned that they would probably be changing this offer soon, so verify what they are offering if you decide to try my link.

NOTE -- I mentioned IBM as an example stock that I personally wouldn't invest in (the point being some ETFs may hold certain positions you might otherwise not want) -- but that particular holding is no longer in SCHD after the reconstitution.. That's what I get for sometimes starting videos a while before I release them, haha. Also, on the DIVO site it mentions a 40%-90%ish return on capital from dividends in certain documents, which is different than the amount the person who did their taxes told me they had seen, so due your own due diligence :)

Note: I believe that SCHD uses their algorithm to do most of the stock filtering, and then their managers can tweak things as they feel makes sense.

0:00 Intro
0:52 VTI
2:15 Why I recommend VTI but I prefer my dividend stocks
3:39 Why I’m bullish about VTI & US stocks
4:08 VTI details
4:27 Quiz time!
7:01 VTI cont.
8:35 SCHD
9:51 Ideal person for SCHD
11:22 DIVO
13:33 International DIVO cc ETF aka IDVO
13:53 DIVO cont.
14:05 Economy & market predictions
14:37 JEPI
17:36 Who I think JEPI is ideal for
17:56 Equity-Linked Notes ELNs
19:11 Example JEPI taxes
19:34 ELN’s cont.
19:56 How much JEPI in a portfolio?
20:06 JEPI cont.
20:16 SCHD vs JEPI vs DIVO vs VTI winner
21:46 Outro

To get access to my Spreadsheet 2.0 then please sign up as a Patreon Aristocrat or King (and double check my Patreon site to ensure I’m still offering access, as I only have limited seats available). You also get other perks for signing up including the ability to watch my videos on my Discord before I release them to the public, and the ability to vote on what thumbnail I’ll use in some of my future videos, and you gain more direct access to me.

Thanks! As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Please LIKE, COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE to support this channel - it helps me immensely! Also, please SHARE this video with your friends :) Thanks, I really appreciate it!


I hold SCHD. I did a little rebalancing in my RRSP start of the year. I got out of small positions that I could not see myself buying more of in the next few years, so all those small ones plus a contribution went all in to SCHD.


Great information.
Best morning of the week when my phone notification sounds, and it's Gen X.


I am 27 years old, and I hold SCHD (80%) and JEPI (10%) in my Roth. The other 10% is O, which I use to supplement the lack of REITs in SCHD. I also use JEPI and SCHD in my taxable as well. I know that JEPI is not the most tax friendly in a taxable account, but I made a lump sum investment and now use part of the monthly dividend to pay my phone bill and fund some of my hobbies while the price appreciates and the leftover dividends reinvest.


I am currently investing equally in Jepi, Divo and Schd. Personally like Jepi the best due to dividend yield but I'm interested to see which gives me the most overall market value over time.
In the last year Divo is ahead of JEPI slightly with Schd bringing up the rear. I intend to continue adding equally to each and let each of them drip. Will be interested to see how they look in 10 years


Great video! My 401k is all in VTI, my dividend account right now is 98% SCHD and 2% O. Hope is to get that down to 70 ish % SCHD and 30% in individual stocks I like. Looking at adding more soon!


Loved this video. My husband and I hold SCHD currently but I have been curious about JEPI so appreciated the video!


I'm 60% SCHD and 40% JEPI. That's my entire portfolio. So far so good!


Own JEPI, SCHD and DIVO. Love all of them. Thought about VTI several times but I like low beta and seeing money come in and reivest. If I want growth I'll just trade or buy more growthy funds like BST or JEPQ even because I still like dividends on growth. The YieldMax ETFs are cool too if you haven't looked into them


Great video Gen X. I hold SCHD at about 6.5% of my portfolio. I'm still debating about adding some of these other funds. I'm about 80% done converting my IRA to a complete dividend portfolio, tiring to recoup some losses when the tech bubble popped last year. My goal is to retire in 13 years.


My guess for not being in VTI: TD, BTI, MO and SCHD. I am in JEPI and JEPQ (I also have QYLD AND RYLD). I plan to retire in 2 years and want to build income positions which are currently 35% of my portfolio.


Inspired me to start posting videos! Thanks for everything GenEx!!! Love the content as always!


Amazing video, GenEx! Personally enjoy seeing videos that offer real insight and compelling comparisons that show very important return info! Also, love the side stories like the older lady mentioning how her husband set her up well with dividends! Loved it! I personally like SCHD, and decided to hold it too; though I’m not on board with income ETF’s due to my age & tax standpoint & total returns.
SCHD isn’t in VTI! 😅👍 Lolz good jokes too!:) Besides the others I’d hope not since SCHD is it’s own ETF index lolz. Very good info & humor! Anybody reading this don’t quit, keep you’re head up & divvy on!👍


One of a kind 🙌 been hooked since 2020 and has me refreshing everyday hoping for more of your content! I’m glad I joined the journey of investing


Always look forward to your videos. I'm sort of like the older woman whose husband set her up only I'm 10 years younger whose father set her up w/dividend portfolio intended for my predeceased mother. Given my father's age and year he started investing, no ETF's for him! LOL
I have SCHD and DGRO in Roth IRA, SCHD in small traditional IRA, VTSAX in Roth 403b (started later), and the rest of portfolio invested in individual stocks. Guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree! I plan to retire in a year or two with a teacher's pension, but I thought about adding JEPI to my Roth IRA??? Upon settling the estate and filing taxes, somethings I am sure about are strategies and rebalancing before I set sail on the boat to retirement.


Really nice job again, probably the best analysis i have seen on these ETFs out there b/c you nailed the facts. I have my daughter invested in VTI and SCHD and i own SCHD, DIVO, and JEPI and sell CCs on my own individual stocks. If you wanted or ever needed more income you could add one of these covered call ETFs or in your IRA holdings you could keep things really passive and selectively sell CC further out in time like i do and increase your income pretty significantly. But If you don’t need more income you have a solid portfolio so your just fine!!


Your channel is very inspiring, I'm a younger GenX investor at 43 yo, I'm sole income earner and I plan to work at least 10 more years before retiring, I'm setting up the exact same structure you have for your wife and family with dividends going straight into a checking account for my wife. When I die she'll still be taken care of.

My portfolio looks a lot like DIVO, like you I own individual stocks with little/if any in ETFs.


I have SCHD only but I also have HYLD-U which has JEPI and JEPQ in it interesting video thanks for explaining


I currently own JEPI and SCHD in my IRA account and DCA on both of them. Great video, Thank you !


I own quite a bit of SCHD and VTI. I sold most of my JEPI. This is in a taxable account and I didn’t like paying the taxes as I’m in the highest bracket.

I would recommend VTI for younger (<50) investors. Or anyone that is DRIPing. But I’m older and I just psychologically like dividends.

I guessed 2 of the 4. Should have gotten the third and never would have gotten the fourth. Even though I also own it.
