Future-Proof Networking: OSI Layer 3 Meets IPv6 Multicasting

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A technical look at IPv6 Multicasting. Assigned and “well-known” multicasting addressing to Solicited Node and how it plays an important subnet role for Neighbor Discovery protocol and many ICMPv6 functions.

How local node multicasting plays a role in Windows and Linux inter-process communications (IPCs). How the IPv4 ARP protocol is replaced in IPv6. How routers inform all hosts of their gateway address.

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Excellent tutorial. Very clear presentation.


Hey Lowell ! very happy to see your face agin in the videos, like the gold old times when you were teacher in IT school :) I prefer this way, this is less "unpersonnal" in my opinion.


Thanks for sharing and very helpful, The Slide Desk in PDF can not be downloaded, said access denied but the rest is good. Is there any chance we can download it? Very appreciate your sharing again. Thanks a lot.
