How Open Programmable Infrastructure (OPI) Improves Portability of Cloud & Data Ce... - Paul Pindell

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How Open Programmable Infrastructure (OPI) Improves Portability of Cloud & Data Center Applications - Paul Pindell, F5

Open Programmable Infrastructure (OPI) Project recently debuted an end to end demo that features initial provisioning of DPU/IPUs utilizing the sZTP framework that has been adopted by the project. Once a card is provisioned, the demo will show the installation of an OS/container platform upon the card along with the installation and configuration of an infrastructure workload. In the first end to end use case that Infrastructure workload is the Nginx Open source version of a proxy. The demo will show traffic being proxied through the DPU without it ever touching the host into which the DPU/IPU is installed. This session will be a description of the OPI Project capabilities and benefits in this use case. It will also be a retrospective into the challenges and solutions found during the process to enhance the OPI project offerings.
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