Why Switzerland Is Insanely Well Designed

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Why Switzerland Is Insanely Well Designed

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As a Swiss, this video is quite well researched. But I have some small details:
0:16 - The tunnel is designed for 250km/h and they might implement it in the far future, but it has always operated at 200km/h.
There is currently no track in Switzerland running faster than 200km/h.
3:14 - The reactor Mühleberg has been shut off in 2019 and is right now slowly beeing disassembled. Switzerland has also decided to abandon Nuclear Energy generation like Germany but they will keep them running until the end of the contract which does make sense economically.


Whenever I go on vacation abroad and come home to Switzerland, I simply realize how much just makes sense in our system. A really beautiful country to live in


I’m not Swiss but I live in Switzerland and I’m in awe of how amazing of a country I live in every day


Another major underrated upside of Switzerland imo is also that we dont have a 2 party (government vs opposition) system in politics and that our political parties basically have a gentleman's agreement over who to vote into the executive (which gets elected by parliament and consists of 7 equal members rather than one president)


Another factor for the good infrastructure is the willingness to invest for returns in decades, rather than for the next quarter or an election term. Another factor is probably the permanent coalition government, which means you need 60% political support for more for most projects. The referendum system ensures boondoggle/pork belly projects have no chance.


Being neutral since 1815 is a great way to built up infrastructure and grow your economy to help bring in more tourism


Quick note: The nuclear powerplant in Mühleberg was already shutdown in 2019. Otherwise great video!


i lived in switzerland for just 4 months, and even though im from denmark (also with great infrastructure), i was amazed by especially trains in switzerland - so modern and efficient. one time i was using the train, and then it stopped for 30 minutes without anyone announcing why, and soon after the staff walked through the train with "giftcards" to all passengers as a way of apologising for the delay. never seen anything like it before!


A few years ago I went to the Italian Switzerland, a city called Lugano. Of all the cities that I have visited, this one was the closest to an Utopia.


I'm a German and I lived in Switzerland for 2.5 years. The traffic infrastructure is really great. I still struggle to use the adjective "efficient" with Switzerland, because of the overbearing, error prone beaurocracy. It's a nice country to live in, but don't expect things to be easy as soon as you have a piece of paper in hand (and yes, you will use a lot of paper)


Wow, Switzerland sure knows how to do things well
By the way, they are geniuses when combining methods such as nuclear power plants and dams to avoid consuming oil, it's a good move knowing how unstable its price is


We don't only have referendums, we also have initiatives! That is the real achievement 😎


I live in switzerland and this country amazed me everyday. Thanks switzerland for being my second home.


California: noooo we can't tunnel through mountains that's too expensive :(
Switzerland: hold my tunnel-boring machine


every day I get more and more proud of my country, I'm so lucky to be born here


No disrespect for CH or to you, but "CH has super efficient hydro plants compared to the European average" could just as well have been "CH has all the mountains, compared to the European average". :)


Switzerland is such a cool country. Many lessons to be learned from them and a true example to follow.


I'm swiss and i think we do still have many things we can improve such as city planning to be better for bicycles, give people more benefits if they do not own a car, do not use as much electricity and other resources. The military for example needs reorganization in that area as well. However overall i am really happy to live here. The semi direct democracy is the closest one can have at the moment as a "true" democracy imo. Living costs are high, but so are wages. You have tons of ways to change/educate yourself further in professional life. We have an apprenticeship system where you do not have to go to college/university at all to earn a good living. Someone in my family made an IT apprenticeship back in the day and some further education, but no bachelor or masters degree and they earn about 8k a month. This is way more effective as tons of job require more practical knowledge and you can always add degrees later on. I did the purely academic route (go to uni now) and i work in my respective field. Every path is possible. If you loose your job, you will get paid 80% of your former pay for 2 years if you continue to send out applications. They still have possibilities to improve this as many swiss that used this service say they felt not treated optimally, but it's on good tracks


I'm Norwegian and approve this message: The Swiss are masters of the mountains! ✋🏻😌
