Potential changes in Social Security benefits could impact millions of Americans

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Many Americans could soon see a change in their Social Security benefits. As early as Tuesday, the Senate could vote on a bipartisan bill that would repeal certain benefit reductions for millions of retirees and their spouses. CBS News business analyst Jill Schlesinger explains.

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How about the government pay back the money they took from social security


Take retirement benefits away from Congress and the Senate if they get other retirement accounts !


Eliminate federal income tax on social security, please!


Ridiculous! If they paid into the fund they deserve what they paid or give them back their money!


I don't like the way they say that 2 million people affected is ONLY 5% of seniors collecting. It's 2 million people!!


One possibility is for our government to stop using the social security fund as a general fund.


I worked 15 years in the grocery business and paid into social security. I have worked the last 30 years in higher education and did not pay into social security, but into the teacher retirement system. I will be drawing a pension from TRS. When I draw social security, it will be cut in half at least. That is what is not fair or right. I want what I put in and nothing more. I, like others, worked hard for what we earned and want what is ours. It is not double dipping. That makes no sense.


Once again, the Billionaires pay little to nothing, and the Middle Class foots the bill. It's time for 1789.


Slightly off the subject, but the way to fix SS shortfall is to lift the FICA income cap which is currently ~165K. It is unfair for middle class and poor workers to pay at higher rate than rich Americans. The Trump admin needs to do that ASAP to save SS trust fund.


I think if you paid into Social Security and you’re also receiving some form of pension you also paid into as well. I think you should be able to receive both and not just partial or not one of the other because you worked throughout your life for both programs and paid for both programs. you should be able to receive both payments without penalty.


Lawmakers don't want to do their job to make it an even playing field. Give these people their damn money they were promised. No one complained while they paid their fair share along with everyone else.


This isn’t double dipping! Get it right! I worked for 20 years n receive very little from SS. It’s our money! Why don’t u do your research! You should be embarrassed by what you don’t know!


I worked in the private sector for 37 years of my 47 years working. I only worked in government for 10 years, however, when my SS benefit was figured they showed me my full benefit amount and immediately cut it in half because of those 10 years in government work. I did pay into SS and I should get my FULL benefit as all of the rest of you do. Also, only about 15 states have the windfall penalty, ALL the rest of the states get their full SS benefit and full government pension. We DID pay into SS, there is NO double dipping. How would all you people getting a pension from your private sector job feel if you had your SS cut solely because you are getting a pension from another source.


It's not double dipping!!!
Is to keep us poor.


I'm past retirement age, not retired, still working FT & just because I'm a (clerical) government employee, Windfall will reduce my SS when I retire. I have full deductions for both SS (& pension). My net is only 1/2 of gross paycheck. I need my full SS I paid into! Windfall is their excuse for stealing my money!


I have been paying into social security for many years. I became a firefighter and always worked on my days off. I paid into my pension and I continued to pay into social security. Then when I applied for social security at age 62 I was informed instead of getting almost $1300.00 a month since being a firefighter I’m only going to get $382.00 a month. It pays my Medicare and I get a whopping $112.00 a month. Who ever gets the rest of my money at least send me a Birthday card.


U got it wrong!
Police, Firefighters, Teachers work other jobs (2 jobs in my car) throughout our lives.
The WEP takes away Social Security benefits from me even though I have been paying into for years . We don’t expect any more than what we have paid into for years to the system. And, why should we take any loss just because we will civil servants? As a firefighter I’ve seen horrific situations, been out in all in climatic weather, missed birthdays, holidays and never complained. But why should I take any loss /hit on my social security if I have been paying my share? Particularly with all the money this country gives away to other countries including our enemies. Like Trump says American First!


if you pay IN, you get the benefits OUT. simple and fair. NO MATTER you occupation. is discrimination ALL this nation can practice?


It is not double dipping if your paid into both systems. It’s your money.


I paid into both systems. I started paying into SS at age 16. I worked private industry until I was 32yo. Started a full time State position at 32yo and continued to work part time in the private industry paying into SS and State pension. My SS benefits were reduced by 40%. I no longer qualified for my husband benefits because I am receiving a pension. People who retired from Private industry receive a pension and full SS benefits.
