Shop with Me at America's Cheapest Grocery Store 2024!!

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As far as yogurt goes "sell by" dates are suggestions. It's yogurt for goodness sakes; it's already milk gone bad. That's why it's yogurt. Lol. Fabulous deals. Wish I could get there more than twice a year.


Got my momma snack, my sparkling water and an hour to myself. What a joy to find you at my favourite store. You’re the best. ❤❤


This made my day! You are absolutely glowing sweet momma!! Love seeing you smile ❤


I wished we had a sharp shopper in my area


You have done awesome over all these years be proud of yourself love your videos❤😊🎉


When we were in Pennsylvania a few weeks ago we went to the Sharp Shopper in Ephrata and it was amazing. I wish I had a bigger car because I could have bought a lot more than I did. Also will make note to bring a cooler next time so I can take advantage of the cold and frozen items.


Wish we had a Sharp Shopper here in Kentucky


I just love ur spirit and ur attitude towards life u make me smile


What gets me with food dates is that sometimes it just feels like a way to breed more fear in people. Be smart about it, but they aren’t a 100% it’s bad after that date. Yogurt being a cultured product takes a good while to actually go bad. I grew up being taught home preservation methods and even store bought products you have to be careful with because things happen.

Just use your best judgement and common sense about what foods could have spoiled. That’s why I love my local sharp shopper, the things are still usually months out or it’s a date misprint from the factory that ended up there, and at a fraction of the normal store cost.


Love from India ❤️❤️ You have a very soothing voice and personality..!! Love your content ❤️❤️


You have mad Tetris skills Jamerrill! As always since I no longer shop (my old knee doesn't like me walking that much) since my daughter lives with me, she shops. I love that you chat through the stores. Until next time much love and many prayers! 💖💖


Making Shopping at the Grocery Story fun for us all. I really enjoy your videos. Thank you for your encouragement.


Wow 😮! I have watched you for a long time…You are a beautiful, and wonderful person on your channel!❤ Does anyone else notice that you are simply glowing!!🎉 I❤ it! I have watched your life evolve, and of course, I see a channel… but I see an amazing difference in you!! GOD bless you ❤😊


We daughter and I take a trip to Sharp Shopper in Butler, Pa a few times a year . When we go in, we always say that we don't need much but come out with a cart full !!


I’m a silent viewer, but I just wanted to let you know that I find your content so inspiring and a beautiful testimony. I grew up in a very toxic childhood, and to see your resilience to continue praising the Lord inspires me that I can overcome my past and have it bring glory to Him. I can only imagine the strength it takes to walk in your shoes, but I know the Lord will continue to bless you for your faithfulness and faith despite the hardships.

Ps: Wanted to also mention that you are glowing lately! Your hard work has been paying off and it shows. Go you, mama!


JAMERRILL, LOOK AT YOU GIRL! Ohmygoodness, how amazing..your jogging now doing all that kind of thing, looking fabulous you are! As you know I don’t get a chance to drop by as often as I wish, when I do you never cease to amaze me…I know, I know but I will say it again, your a go getter darlin’, don’t ever stop! This video made me so happy, so good to see you 😊 Life is wonderful, God is SO SO GOOD!
Have yourself a fantastic week ahead XO


I want a Sharp Shopper in Florida please!!!


Always my favorite videos! Love all the good deals you get!! Wish we had one in the Chicagoland area! This would be so handy for schools selling concessions with all the snacks and teacher appreciation! Of course I would love all these deals for my family too! Have a great day! Wanted to add the Cinnamon Toast Crunch cookies are really good!


Love to watch you shop at Smart Shopper !! Always finding fun foods !! 😀😀


Love & soappreciate seeing how healthy the meal planning is over all plus the idea oa sweet treat is included in form of natural sweet items such as fruit base. I' d go nuts in the yougurt isle ! Nice it can be frozen also !! Yep ! Dates are suggested more for loojs, consistsncy . Basic knowledge of food items & shelf life more important than dates,
