Toys R Us - Saying Goodbye and Creating Memories

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This is my tribute to Toys R Us. To be honest, I'm quite heartbroken over this news. Rather than doing a video talking about what happened and debating on why it happened, I wanted to focus my energy on creating something that I could look back on and remember what it meant to me and my family. I hope you get something from this as well.

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That moment when a video can make you laugh and break your heart at the same time.


Beautiful video, Dan. The closing of TRU really hits me hard man. This video got me choked up. Poor Emma won’t ever remember visiting Toys R Us, Spencer is lucky to have these experiences and memories with you guys.


This is so beautiful. You totally capture the feeling. Huge hugs from a fellow mourner <3


I almost want to go every single day till they won't let me in anymore.


Toys R Us was like my Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory, incarnate... As soon as those sliding doors opened, and my face was hit with the rushing coolness of the air conditioning, it never failed me; I was always awestruck. Even into early adulthood, I would all but hear 'Come with me, and you'll be, in a world of pure imagination' every single time I stopped in. As the years went on, and my car at the time died, the one and only reachable TRU became unreachable, and I never procured the means to get back to it. If I'd still had steady transportation, I honestly believe I'd have been shopping there every month, to this day. It's really sad that this light of childhood nostalgia in particular, has gone out.


Toys 'R Us will be missed. Been there many times when I was a kid.


Very well done tribute.
Every Saturday when I was a kid, would wake up to watch cartoons while eating breakfast & close to noon my parents would take me to the city to buy me a wave of TMNT figs, other toylines or video games. We then would eat somewhere & I would play with the toys on our way home. That feeling of going to the toy store will always be one of my favorite memories.


This was a great video Dan. Really bums me out that when I do have kids they’ll never know the joy of walking down those aisles


My heart hurts because Toys R Us is closing, my mom and dad used to shop here when they were kids, every year on my birthday I would get to go to Toys R Us and pick a toy now there is a hole in my hear but I will still have my memories thank you Geoffrey, I will always be a Toys R Us Kid :)


Great job, Dan. Really fantastic piece. Thank you.


Great video tribute Dan! Growing up for me and my brothers was hard, being that we came into the United States in the mid ninies and growing up going to ToysRus was an amazing dream come true for us. Seeing all those toys and video games put us in Aww, getting some toys or games was the greatest thing our parents ever did for us aside from everything else they did for us.


As an adult collector who never let go of his childhood, this really saddens me. When I was finally old enough to work, I put my application in at Toys R Us and nowhere else.

Some of my fondest memories were picking up the original NES with my mom or stopping after school to look at the GI Joe selection. I can still remember the day I picked up Beach Head for $2.85. Wow, I miss those prices.

After church on Sundays, my brother and I used to jump in his car and go toy hunting. He was 18 and I was only 14 but we both shared the same hobby. We both also went to TRU when they did the midnight release of all the figures from The Phantom Menace. That night was so much fun that I still refuse to part with my 12 inch Qui Gon, Jar Jar and Darth Maul.

I have seen some people posting "Get over it!". Honestly, I don't want to nor do I have to. It was never just a store. It is a destination and one that provides me with so many fond memories.


I'm so sad about this - I just went the other day - plan on going back again before they completely close...but this video is really a beautiful thing that I'm sure your son will really love and appreciate so much when he's older :)


Just want to say thank you Dan & Co. for such a wonderful video and memories that will last forever!


I feel you Pixel Dan I'm from Puerto Rico and both Toys 'R' Us near my house got completely destroyed by hurricane Maria on sept 20 2017 they will not reopen and I did not had the opportunity to do one last cruise by to see the TMNT merch. Never grow up


I feel same way knowing store is closing down forever makes me sad I used to buy here toys when I was kid this is last time we gonna see kids store like this really breaks my heart to see this store go honestly


Beautiful Dan. Thanks for sharing. My father was a manager at Toy R us for many years so then closing is making me pretty sad. My dad passed away in 2010 and I feel a strong connection between my childhood, my father, and this store. I’m a toys r us kid for life!


I worked at one building bikes in 2012. One of the best jobs ever. Sad to see them all close. It was a magical place, seeing those kids happy really made your day. No way could you compare Walmart or Target to Toys R Us. I will never stop being a Toys R Us kid.


When a big clearance comes I will strike hard and fade into the night. ..


It’s been difficult to wrap my head around. I don’t have children of my own, but that’s never stopped me from stopping by a TRU and just browsing the aisles— reliving old memories while checking out some of the amazing new stuff that’s been created for this generation of kids. (I’m kinda jealous.)

I was down was Kay-Bee tanked, too. It’s sad because the lack of dedicated toy stores means fewer places for kids to go to just be themselves. Toy shopping at Walmart or Target just isn’t the same thing.

Thanks for putting this together.
