Head of Xbox Says Halo 5 Multiplayer Is One of the Best in the Series

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Video of Phil Spencer at IGN Unlocked discussing Halo 5's multiplayer.

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This is hard to watch...it kills me to see Halo in its current state.


To be fair, the core gameplay is pretty solid. CE - Halo 3 had that badass classic gameplay, and as far as new Halo gameplay is concerned, Halo 5 does have solid mechanics.

Does the lack of content, intrusive microtransactions, and tons of other things take away from that? Yes.

Also Phil can't talk shit if he's on the spotlight like that lol


" no argument their" garentee no one at the tables playing h5.


LMAO there are Sony tv's in the background


Still hoping Halo 6 will cater to classic Halo fans... but this kind of scares me!


He knows the game is crap. This is all for show.


Halo 5's gameplay was fun and well designed, but it wasn't Halo. And if you really want to find out if it was the best in the series, ask your fanbase. There are reasons most of us left you know. It's kind of depressing to see Bonnie Ross actually acknowledge our existence and then this guy says something that seems to imply that 343/Microsoft as a whole still might just want to abuse us even if Bonnie Ross doesn't (if she actually cares).


Once the criticism disappears, the franchise seems to as well. It's a pattern I've begun to notice with many games.

Half-Life: No criticism, no Half-Life 3
Sonic: Criticism toxic AF, still going
Army Men: Forums are positive echo chambers, last game canceled
Medal of Honor (Warfighter): Each criticism is met with a deluge of 'YOU'RE WRONG! IT'S GREAT GAME!', franchise canceled
No Man's Sky: Controversy of the Year, mostly FIXED and still developing
Star Wars Battlefront EA: They're making another one...

Anybody else noticing this?


nah infinite warfare was the best multiplayer version of halo


From the weekly update: "Lastly, next Thursday Ranked Snipers will be removed from Matchmaking for the upcoming season. This playlist has come and gone a few times over the past months and was just put back in as a Ranked offering prior to the holidays in conjunction with the large playlist "test" to help the sustain team determine usage and popularity. Based on low usage this playlist will be removed to funnel more players back into the core offerings. We know there's a portion of the community that enjoys a game of Snipers so don't worry, there's certainly a good chance we'll see this playlist again down the road (either as-is or perhaps in a different configuration)."

343i is so dumb, man! I hate this beta test game that has been sold as full price. Why have they not being sued for this?


"at the time there where talks about where Halo was going"
Dude, no one thought that Halo wasn't going to have MC. Most people thought it was kinda cool to see another side of Halo. But we still wanted to play as MC in the main line games.
Phil is such a melvin.


I can't.... I can't even *Proceeds to take a sip from my pumpkin latte*


... I'm woke up feeling good, but after watching this I'm already sick.


I agree with everything you say for the most part, but don't attack Phil lol. "Attack" not being the right word, but I have nothing for respect for this dude. Xbox One was ass at launch and he's slowly saving it. I'm not a 343 sheep, I just have a lot of respect for Phil. :)


This felt like watching a Crowbcat video, nice job! :DD


halo 5 isn't comparable to h2 or h3.


Lmfao. Another good vid Wpns. Keep it up


It's actually the worst lol. No split screen alone makes it that but to get into more detail...

Halo 1 had classic maps and it's the game that started it all. A massive change for the better as far as console shooters go.

Halo 2 had the best multiplayer maps and made online console shooters popular. Just about every halo 2 map is memorable.

Halo 3 nailed the competitive scene in console shooters pretty much better than any console shooter out there. Also some nice additions like file sharing, theater, equipment, and forge were pretty sweet to add the game some longevity. The DLC at the time was sick too. That's how you do DLC correctly. It wasn't stuff that should have launched with the game. It was stuff that was created after the devs got feedback from the fans and created something better. "Oh you like forge? Well here's a map pack that's much better for forging : )"

ODST had no multiplayer and was just halo 3 with all the maps but it did offer one of the best coop experiences of any halo game. Fire fight for the first time in odst was bad ass. Lost platoon all the way bitches! And the campaign was good but short.

Reach offered the most content of any halo game on earth and did it very well. Upgrades in most departments. Sure it wasn't as competitive as halo 3 but it's still more fun as it offered much more.

Halo 4 pretty much sucked but at least had a few good maps like haven and still kept split screen.

Halo 5 has no good maps, no split screen, not even fucking lan. Does it even have campaign match making like halo reach? Heh... Even if it did... Who would want to play the halo 5 garbage campaign anyways? Halo 5 isn't just the worst multiplayer halo title. It's the worst coop halo multiplayer title too. It's barely better than halo titles like spartan assault and halo wars 2 lol. It might even be worse than those games now that I think about it haha. Oh... and the game is useless offline.

Phil Spencer sniffs his own farts lol. He's a fat ugly retarded version of Bill Compton from the HBO show true blood lol.

Funny resemblance lol. Phil Spencer is the same guy that said this...

"I love the nostalgia of the couch co-op of what Halo did in the past, but I also know in the realities of the day with people's busy lives, it's not as easy to get everybody in the same physical place. It's one of the advantages that Xbox Live obviously offers."

So playing the game with a physical human friend next to you in real life in split screen where you don't have to spend an extra 500-1000 bucks on another xbox one, disk of halo 5, xbox live gold sub, and TV is worse than being on xbox live surrounded by lag, cheaters, gankers, hackers, shitty game modes, shitty maps, a shitty halo game, and much much more shitty shit... Sorry Phil. But I'm not stupid. Sadly... Many xtwats are : (

Halo 5 is a complete waste of money when halo 1-reach are so much better...

Seriously though... Halo 5 has no split screen, weak content, a terrible story, nube friendly cod like multiplayer, and micro transactions. It's the worst big name halo title in the series. It's hard to put them in order from best to worst since so many of them are good and only like 2 of them are bad but out of halo 1, 2, 3, Reach, and 4... Halo 5 is at the bottom of that list... It's a fact... Just look at the sales, reviews, and popularity and it's safe to say that it's a fact that was the most disappointing halo title yet. At least as far as big name halo games go... MIC DROP!


If Halo 6 dosent return to it's roots. I'm done with the franchise.


Once he said that I think I'd just play a compilation of getting 3 shot melee'd by the storm rifle and spartan charged, followed by excessive team leaving and getting banned for bad servers.
