Why America Has The Best Geography 🗾

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most Americans don't know that the United States actually has the best geography of any country in the world in fact geography is the main reason why the US was able to become such a massive superpower in the first place for starters the United States has amazing natural defenses protecting it from all sides to be East and West it's protected by the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans to the South there's AIC deserts and N for protection and to the north there's just Canada who is already a huge Ally of the US these defenses have historically made it so incredibly difficult for the US to invaded that for the past couple centuries no other country has even tried this is made even better by the fact that the only enemies the United States has are thousands of miles away across the oceans you might notice that this is completely opposite of countries like China where invasions from other countries have essentially been unavoidable simply due to how many countries they bordered on top of this defenses the United States has huge amounts of Natural Resources like oil and gold which just contribute even more money through its already massive economy
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