Martin 000-16 Streetmaster | The Next Big Best-Seller

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This is a new Martin Standard Series guitar with the features only found on Modern Deluxe and Custom Shop instruments. Take a listen and hear why we think it is a total home run.

0:00 Intro/Specs
5:35 Demo 1
7:01 Demo 2
8:23 Final Thoughts

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I own a 000-15M now for about 2.5 years and I love it to death! Very sweet sound that's perfect for playing outside the bedroom when the wife's asleep. I was at the Martin Factory for a tour this summer and spent almost 2 hours playing all the guitars in Martin's Player's Rm. I thought I would go crazy for the sound of the D-18, HD-28, or the 000-28 among many others that were there to play, but Man! I was drawn back to the 000-16 Streetmaster over and over again. I then checked out the Museum for an hour and went back to play the guitars again, and I just Loved the sound of the 000-16 Streetmaster. When I came back to Chicago I played another one at a suburban shop and fell in love all over again. I think this will be my daily driver and eventually and one that I can take with me when traveling. Wife says that I got to sell my Slash LP if I want it, so look for the LP on Sweetwater or Reverb! Haha!


Well, I did it! I went and checked out this 000-16 today. WOWEE!! What a great guitar! It is the canon of the 000’s. It’s tone is fabulous. It can stand toe-to-toe with 000’s three times its price. Even if a player isn’t a great fan of the distressed look, they would be missing out on a fabulous instrument at a great price if they were to reject it because of the look. I personally love the look. Also, I don’t have to worry about it getting beat up at gigs.

The response to a player’s touch is instantaneous. It is SO resonant and full-sounding that it sounds like a guitar twice its size, and three times its price. The intonation is spot on all the way up the neck. It responds to the player’s touch so well that one can play with a wide variety of dynamics without losing sound quality (timbre). You can hit it hard and it doesn’t collapse. Play softly, and you lose nothing in tone.

I agree with Cooper that this might just out-sell the very popular 000-15 Street Master once people find out about it and try it out. The only factor that could work against that is the $2K price tag. Some buyers might not find the extra $400 over the 000-15 doesn’t fit their budget. If they pass on this guitar, they are missing out on a fabulous instrument. I have a 000-28 which is fabulous, but I think this 000-16 with its VTS Adirondack top will be my daily driver. It pretty much blows the 000-28 out tone-wise as well as for volume, responsiveness to touch and overall resonance. The VTS Adi top does it for me.


The tone of this guitar is absolutely delicious! Creamy and smooth! I closed my eyes and that is what I heard. That is one of the best guitars I’ve heard!


Sounds great. It would be super cool in a sunburst, or just a natural satin finish


This particular guitar is one of the best Streetmaster finishes I've seen on any of Streetmaster guitars. One of the best sounding demos on the model thus far also. Might have to check one out.


I'm happy to see the 1-3/4" nut width (45mm) rather than the usual 1/16th narrower, which should help my fingers. 24.9" scale length sounds good, and the Adirondack Spruce top combined with East Indian Rosewood in a US crafted guitar at $1999.00 is a "Wow! Those won't be on the shelf for long" guitar. Sweet demo. too, Cooper. Thank you and the production crew...


The 000-16 Streetmaster is a killer at a great price. If you hate the look of the top, you can do what a lot of people are doing and strip the dark stain off it and refinish for a natural look. Very easy and inexpensive. Martin have made some changes to the current incarnation of these guitars. The cream tuning buttons have been replaced with black but more importantly the depth of dark stain on the top seems to have been reduced. A distinct improvement.


Thanks for the great review. I discovered the 00016 Street master while exploring some music stores in L.A. The distressed vintage look made it stand out among the more typical finishes so I picked it up and started playing... ... I didn't stop for well over an hour. I absolutely fell in love with the amazing, rich tone, sustain, comfort, playability, light weight and how loud it projected compared to other guitars I tried. It was so good I almost bought it on the spot and it's now becoming an obsession of mine to own one. I'm primarily a finger picker and this thing just sang to me like no other guitar has. I love the understated look since it's a reflection of my own personality and approach to music: nothing flashy... Let the tone speak for itself. My only critique is that I am not normally a fan of the faux vintage finish. It feels a bit like cheating to me and I would rather wear out my own distressed finish the old fashioned way, but the tone and playability of this guitar is just so incredibly good I don't mind making the concession. So tempted to take advantage of Black Friday sales this weekend...


Grabbed one from Sweetwater a month ago as soon as it came to them (had it reserved). And man, CFM hit a home run! I added my own butter bean Waverlys (the golden age tuners are a tad stiff), and bone pins. What a little stunner! Super sharp, punchy & clear. CFM customer service claims that the VTS Adi top is designed to already "sound 15 yrs old", and I agree. Can't put 'er down - and I own 9 the Martins! Best Seller no doubt. Good review Cooper.


I played one of these yesterday and it blew my mind in tone but what really shocked me was the volume on a 000. It seemed like the more I dug in the more of everything it gave.


That is one sweet sounding guitar. Compliments Cooper your playing on this model sounds better than I’ve ever heard you play before, which is quite a few demos. You must be inspired by this one.


Bought one of these a couple of weeks ago. I went into the store thinking I'd get a 000-15M Streetmaster, but hands down the 000-16 Streetmaster sounded so much better, more resonant, more dynamic range, more versatile across musical styles. And it also knocked the socks off a 000-16E that I demoed, the VTS treatment is well worth the extra $$. The 000-15M Streetmaster still fits a niche well, a rich sound with boosted mids that would be at home on an old 78 rpm early blues record.


I just bought this the other day. I had taken my D-35 in to do a binding repair. While I waiting for the service guy, I picked this up and fell in love. I didn’t know about woods or the construction but it played every bit as well as my D35 and the sound is spectacular. I loved the tone and playability of my D35, but I walked out of the shop with the Streetmaster. Btw, it comes with an awesome gig bag. I’ve never said that about a gig bag before, even my Taylor gig bag. One other thing. The fret edges are a bit rough. Something I may take in the future to have finished off.


Played one and loved it.

Would love to see a DSS version.. I hope one is in the works.


Just picked this up this past weekend. Haven’t put it down. Amazing guitar and an amazing looks. Something I know I will be able to pass down to my kids one day


I hope a 28 comparison is on the horizon and I guess the 15 and 18.
That would be a great video.
Thanks for all the videos btw.
Love this channel and superb playing


I generally prefer unstained spruce but that finish looks great. I just picked up my first Martin, a D10e, really loving it. When the wallet allows I'll be getting a higher end Martin next. A side note, the guitar came with med strings and when I first tuned it to pitch the top started to slightly bow. I got some Martin light strings and now there's no bowing. I actually prefer the lighter gauge strings by far. Another great review, thanks.


Thank you Nick and Cooper. I received this guitar today and I love it.


Sounds great, Cooper. And it looks really cool. Thanks for sharing.


Without sounding creepy, you’re my new best friend :))) I’m an opera singer that sings country/blues stuff but doesn’t play an instrument so I started learning guitar and was torn between buying a 000-15 m and the j-45. Walked today into a music store to test guitar sizes, tone etc and really liked what I thought was a 000-15 street master …. Only to find, after reading the label that it was a 000-16 street master. Not a big fan of the finish look but fell in love with the sound… it’s too much for a beginner guitarist but coming from my operatic background, I need the best tone for my ears to keep my interest in practicing daily. Thank you for this review!🥰
