Amazing Flowers 8K ULTRA HD - Relaxing Screensaver - 10 HOURS Peaceful Piano Music - Part #2

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A great combination of an amazing flower bouquet and peaceful piano music on your 8K UHD screen! The flowers in 8K resolution look exactly like real ones, and it seems that you can even smell the subtle aroma! When you want to surround yourself with many beautiful flowers, but you know that they will soon wither, there is a way out! Filmed in slow motion, delicate roses, defenseless chrysanthemums and magnificent lilies can decorate your home and give pleasure for any long time!

Video title: Amazing #Flowers Part #2
Equipment used: Blackmagic URSA 12K
Video type: relaxing tv #screensaver
Video resolution: #8K ULTRA HD
Producer: Roman Khomlyak, Pro Art Inc
Cinematographer: Roman Khomlyak
Editor and colorist: Tatyana Nesterenko
Supervising editor: Anatolii Pylypenko

Enjoy 10 hours of relaxing piano music and real beautiful flowers. See how the petals of the buds flutter from the light wind and how the dew drops gently cover the flowers. Elastic and strong rose buds and full bright chrysanthemums seem to protect the quivering tenderness of pink lilies. Surprisingly harmonious flower arrangement decorated with pleasant music.

This 8K ULTRA HD video will be an amazing relaxing screensaver for your TV screen. Bring some beauty and softness into your interior, fill the space with relaxing classical music and enjoy! The 8K ULTRA HD screensaver is suitable as a background for a living room or a break room in an office, as well as for spas, massages, etc.

Please SUBSCRIBE to my 4K RELAXATION CHANNEL so you do not miss anything.
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"The soul listing to this message we pray that GOD blesses you & visits your home with healings, miracles & answers!Stay strong in your faith & in Christ Our LORD♥


*_For the 2% who read this, I wish you for a total success in your next project💖_*


It's really beautiful and very relaxing to see the beautiful colors of the flowers 🥰 Thanks for this wonderful video


Чудове поєднання дивовижного букета квітів і спокійної фортепіанної музики!!!


«Мне нравится, как снято видео, такое свежее и красивое. Спасибо за создание такого замечательного расслабляющего видео, как это.


Beautiful flowers. So relaxing to watch. Tnx 4sharing 👍🏻


Я буду скучать по вашим красивым фильмам. Благодарю за всё!


"I just love the thrill of performing on stage... I believe that singing is something I was put here on mother earth to do in life.!!!" - Ms. Angelina Jordan


Lovely flowers and soothing music, thanks for sharing. ❤


Fiori meravigliosi per una musica bellissima!


Relaxing with the world of beautiful flowers, a wonderful blend of dreamy music .and beauty, a pleasure for the eye and soul .wonderful job. thank you 👌


xin chào bạn, bạn chia những bông hoa đẹp quá mình chúc bạn và gia đình luôn mạnh khỏe và vui vẽ hạnh phúc


Thanks for this amazing video and relaxing music 😍


Very beautiful music, beautiful flowers.


Oh my flowers! 💐my fav 😍Thank you so much!


You can use this collection of Flowers in 8K HDR 60FPS ULTRA HD in your TV For The Living Room, Office 365, Lounge, Waiting Room Business, Spa at home, Spa music, Showroom, Restaurant Music and much more. Play It In Your Samsung Oled TV, Smart TV Samsung, Sony TV Device, Samsung Technology, Roku, Apple TV, Chromecast, Xbox, Playstation 5 PS5, Wii, Smart TV AOC, 8K TV REVIEW, 8K TV 2020, 8K TV LG. @alegrias


Keep strong. Dont forget that despite the struggles and madness in this world today, God is full of justice, mercy and love.
Justice said we broke His perfect law - causing the world's previous perfection to be
destroyed - and therefore we deserve Hell (like a punishment in any legal system but this is eternal as His perfect law is eternal too). Don't think you fit in that category? Ever done one of these?: lying, stealing - regardless of how small the object EVER, hating others - which is murder in God's perfect law, lusting (plus God sees our entire thought life). Justice says "the soul that sins shall die" - if we break one in thought/word/deed it's as if we're guilty of all of them. Quite simply, living by the law (which is doing everything perfectly) is impossible for sinful humans

. The law shows us that 1. We will die in Hell if we fail to follow it and 2. We cannot save ourselves BUT, 3. God's perfect, immovable law points us to Christ, who followed and fulfilled the law in thought, word and deed perfectly in our place. He did what we couldn't and did it on our behalf. He was then sentenced to death on a cross, and took our personal punishment for our sin, paying our penalty (like paying our fine) completely FOR us, and has given us freedom.

If we turn from the sins we have committed and repent (pursue the opposite direction of love through Christ) He will, overtime, recreate us back into that previously perfect image through The Holy Spirit which Jesus sends to all who accept Him as their personal Lord and Savior of their life. He will help us through the struggle, the stress, and anything we experience in the world. It's about letting Christ in to guide and teach you and obeying Him through His power (not ourselves, we need Him to help us as it's impossible without depending on His power and instruction).

He is our substitute in His life, death and resurrection. He essentially rewrote history in our place so that, if you believe in Him, it will be as if you had never sinned if you accept Christ's death as our own in our place.

He is in Heaven right now preparing a place for us so that He can take His faithful, believing children home with Him when He returns. He will ressurrect us from death when He returns, giving mercy to those who accept His love, instruction and teachings in their life, and give justice to those who refuse it.

He doesn't want ANY of us to go to Hell and die for continuing in evil and rejecting His way to life, thats why He died FOR us. Hes giving EVERYONE a chance, He wants everyone to take the free gift of salvation from Hell. He wants us to be His and begin to follow His life of love and service through His power and abiding (staying) with Him. So long as we keep our hearts near to Christ through His strength, strive to follow His will of perfect love revealed in the Bible, and let Him lead in the midst of (very certain) pitfalls and struggles, we will, in time, win the ultimate victory over sin, pain and DEATH through Christ. Even if you are willing to be made willing, pray for Jesus to come in and He will do what we can't. Give us The Holy Spirit who will guide us in the right way.

Christ says in John 16:33: I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace. In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world.” [My conquest is accomplished, My victory abiding.]
-  (AMPLIFIED version)

NOTE: You are NEVER too sinful or messed up that God cannot turn your life around through Jesus. EVER. Regardless of what you've done or what you're going through you CAN make it through Jesus.


May Allah guide you to happiness ever after.
Please read Holy Quran words of Allah The Most Merciful.
Please read The Amazing Quran By: Dr. Gary Miller
