Common Law Explained in 60 seconds

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My partner Dean of Buxton has been teaching Common Law workshops since 2020, as well as assisting those facing the Court process (as a McKenzie friend). He does not charge for these services (although he invites gifts of food if people wish to show their appreciation). He is dedicated to restoring the power back to the People ~ and in his world this comes via knowing (and exercising) our Common Law Rights.

Dean and I have been talking about creating a simple video explaining Common Law for some time ~ and here it is! Issued on 25 December 2022 as our Christ-Mass gift to The People.

Specific point to note: She says that the Common Law was 'too rigid'. Meaning it could not be manipulated by those that wished to use the Law to their advantage.

Many say that Natural Law is superior to Common Law. But Man has no influence over Nature (although he may desire this!). And remember, the power in Nature goes to the strongest and the fittest.

Many refer to Statute, for example 'The Bill of Rights 1688'. However, no Government, Monarch or other 'Authority' gives you your Rights! The minute anyone involves Legal Statute in their explanations they are working within 'The System' ~ which is designed to be so complex that the Common Man (or Woman) finds it difficult to navigate it without a Solicitor or Barrister acting on his/her behalf (meaning he/she has consented to the jurisdiction of the Maritime 'Legal System').

William Penn went on to found Pennsylvania.

NB Common Law, as explained, applies to England (and the Commonwealth nations whose Law is based on the law of England). Other countries eg France have a different system of Law.

Dean and I would love your feedback on this video via the comments below.

Wishing you a very Merry Christ-Mass and a wonderful New Year!

May your 2023 be filled with Peace, Joy, Love, Health and Prosperity.


Rachel x
(On behalf of Dean of Buxton too)
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Excellent and well said . When you simplify it it's so easy to understand. Thank you Rachel ❤️


This is the law for our sovereign being away from our straw man entity created by the corporation. Love this Rachael


Marvellous. Ought to be taught in schools but of course we all know why it’s not on the curriculum.


Thank you Rachel. Happy Christmas and peace to all freedom fighters everywhere 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️


That's it, nice and simple for all to stand over.


Excellent video - succinct, cogent and easy to understand - a great intro to our Common Law and unalienable rights. Thanks Dean & Rachel!


Great stuff Rachel hope more people get involved with it. Fifteen of us from our local freedom group have sworn oaths as Common Law constables


Thank you both so much for this Rachel and The Dean. God bless you both


Thank you for this short, to-the-point, and easy-to-understand video. I always have trouble finding the right words when trying to explain to someone clueless the difference between law and legal. Now I'll carry the link to your video with me and suggest they watch it first of all. May you be inspired to share more such gems in the future.


During the death thralls of this relationship the British put in place legislation the purpose of which is solely to control of the commoners, other such pieces of legislation are the 1998 Human Rights Act and the ECHR. Why do I say that? Because all rely on three untruths told to con you. 1. Parliament is Sovereign (it is not) 2. Derogation of your rights by emergency legislation is legal (it is not lawful). 3. That we still have separation of powers (we do not). These three things contravene the common law, custom and the constitution of England.

During the first world war our ancestors stopped fighting and played football on Christmas day. It has fell into folk law and legend. It is true. So who really has the power? We do. Trust your instincts not your government.


Wish I'd have known this back in the 80s! Thanks for making it concise & unflowery.


How AWESOME is this! 🎉 Thank you Rachel! Happy New Year! Love from West Country 💕❤️💕


Brilliant...all good things are actually very simple ❤️


The first thing I saw when I switched on my phone Rachel was this video. What a joy, but, according to Willian Keyte of the Chartist Movement, in a presentation, he gave, the Bill of Rights Act 1668/9, legislated this right away from us. We have to do some serious work to get this right reinstate Rachel. It's so good that you've drawing peoples' attention to this, to release us from tyranny. Love Rog


Great video Rachel! Thanks for breaking it down into something I can share with others as they start to ask questions.


Thanks. You've clarified a lot for me.


Thank you Rachel and Dean, these points are easy to remember but easy to forget when needed!


Hear hear Rachel, heard of this previously but good that you have posted so that more people are aware.


Well sine Rachel what a great Christmas present for everyone xx


The Common law approach works very well. I personally have been unlawfully apprehended by armed Police and taken to Magistrates Court. But i refused to give the magistrates jurisdiction and they could not ascertain joinder with any 'consent' that i had allegedly entered into. They then left the court and returned shortly after and tried again. But once you realise you have the power. They soon shut up and want you out of the building ASAP. ( unless they can prove jurisdiction, they have unlawfully apprehended you ) . Do not fall for 1/ Tacit agreement 2/ assumption 3/ presumption 4 / hearsay/. And NEVER sign anything.
