'How Excellent' performed by the Youth Choir at Concord

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had a praise break down just now at my desk and my boss came by and asked if I was OK. I told him, yes I'm more Than OK, I just had to realize how excellent Jesus is and just burst into tears.... I've been through so much for the past few years from me having kidney disease to my mom fighting cancer to loosing my nephew and watching my uncle hurt himself with drugs. I just give god all the praise for helping me stay humble because without him I don't know if I could handle it on my own. you can tell when a choir mean what they sing. it shows all in their voices and this youth choir messed me up. I feel more relaxed now that I have let it all out. amen


When God made black children he was showing off! Sing babies🎶🎶🎤


These kids did a awesome job on this song. It's always a blessing that the young people praising and thanking God. I'm not just talking about all the young men, but all of the young people in general. May God continue to bless all the young people across this country. I wanna let every young person know that there's an purpose and an calling on your life. It is your job to find it. You'll never be the same person you were in Jesus' name. I'm telling you the truth, I'm maybe a 16 year old young boy but I know that for myself. God will never leave you the way he found you. He is the way, the truth, and the life. God will heal, save, free, and deliver you. Back in the day, the old folks would say Jesus is on the mainline and that is true.


Someone's raising their kids right. Praise GOD! <3


This made me cry!!! These kids did such a good job!!!! Glory to


I don't care how old the video is this Choir oh Lord. This melodious singing is soothing to my ears. Lord Jesus You are EXCELLENT


Man, I could watch this like 1, 000 times over and over again!


it's good to see so, many young men in the choir. they sounded great


This has touched me so.... I'm in tears right now. Keep singing for Jesus young soldiers in Christ!! This was beautiful!!!


Beautiful to see our young people praising our God!


As a middle school teacher this brought tears to my eyes. It is beautiful to see young people giving honor to God!!


🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿Hallelujah thank you Lord...He is so Excellent 🙌🏿


This song moves my heart and spirit and seeing these beautiful young people moves them even more. What a sweet smelling savor of the incense of Praise into The nostrils of our Heavenly Father! Keep living and worshipping The LORD young people, there’s No One Like HIM In ALL The Earth!


First time listening to this song by the youth choir and all i have to say is that you all are EXCELLENT! Many blessings to you all.


Praise the Lord!!! I pray that all these young people are alive and well and seeking the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth will all their might. He is Appearing so soon and we want to have our lamps full of oil - watching for His appearing. This 2020 has been quite a year. We need to set our affections on things Eternal, not cars, or zombies, when we're getting married, Netflix or how to get more money. We need to be content with such things as we have, grateful and rejoicing - renewing our minds with the Holy Word, surrendered to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Only by God's Word can we pray the will of God and know that our prayers are going to be answered. Only by His Holy Word, written on the tablets of our hearts will we be shrewd to discern against all the false ideology that denies Christ Jesus as the ONLY Way, Truth and Life. Ancient aliens, Hebrew Israelites', African ancestral worship, those who claim to have Christ consciousness - all antichrist lies sent to push idolatry! Be not deceived. They have another Jesus and another gospel and not the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen. Return to The Messiah - The Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth and confess your sins and He will abundantly pardon. God is so good! We don't have much time now. Many sprits of antichrist are already at work in the earth. But Greater is He that is in us (His children, disciples Who follow Him according to His Word) than he that is in the world. We have the victory in Christ Jesus. Don't be distracted by the other 'conversations' of the day. Fix your eyes on the King of kings and Lord of Lords Who will judge the whole universe and reign forever. Hallelujah! Maranatha! Shalom.


He is God that makes him excellent! Holy.


These are the Young Black People that never make the news! This is what we need to see and hear about! Singing and praising God's EXCELLENCE! HALLELUJAH!!


OMG y'all sound so Amazing... It's good to see young men in da choir WOW & singing like that Jesus🙌... Now I can't leave the young ladies out with these Beautiful voices as well...💜 Keep up the good work Choir🙏🙌 Jesus is Excellent🙌🙏


Oh my goodness! God bless these babies.😍🎤🙌🏽
I absolutely love to see the young people sing praises unto our God.


I pray that wherever each of these beautiful young people find themselves today, each will continue to lift praises to our Creator!! Excellent praise!!! ❤️
