Make Your Voice Heard in Heaven - Part 1 with Guest U.S. Senate Chaplain Rev. Barry Black

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Prayer is the breath of the soul. That’s the contention of U.S. Senate Chaplain Barry Black, author of Make Your Voice Heard in Heaven: How to Pray with Power. In the Lord’s prayer, Jesus used the word “Abba” for His Heavenly Father, which means “Daddy.” As people of faith, we are God's children, and because of His love, He is our greatest encourager. That’s why God wants us to make our voices heard in Heaven through continual prayer.

About Today's Guest: Rev. Barry Black
The Rev. Barry Black was born in 1948 and is the 62nd Chaplain of the United States Senate. He began serving as Senate Chaplain on June 27, 2003, becoming the first black and first Seventh-day Adventist to hold office. Black served for over 27 years in the U.S. Navy Chaplains Corp, rising to the ranks of rear admiral, and ended his career as the Chief of Chaplains for the U.S. Navy. He retired from the Navy in 2003. Black is a native of Baltimore, Maryland. He is one of eight children. Chaplain Black is married to Brenda, and together they have three sons, Barry II, Brendan and Bradford.

Resources Mentioned:
Making Your Voice Heard in Heaven: How to Pray with Power book by Rev. Barry Black


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