Learn The Ultimate Realtor Value Proposition with Dan Keller, Chad Cooley & Cody Villanueva

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Watch this 10X interview with Dan Keller and Realtor Coach Chad Cooley to hear their scriptings and EXACTLY HOW they deliver it in a way that overcomes objections from borrowers and Realtors. We also did role-playing with Cody Villanueva, so you can hear how to call realtors and get meetings in this market.
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This is definitely top 10. Now I have to find what value I bring


For too long the industry has seen skills as an option when in reality it’s a duty an individual obligation for this industry and any industry no matter the profession. The janitor has to be skillful. Numbers is also a crucial part to business. They’re both necessary it’s not an option of one or the other unless you’re looking to be average.

Great interview.



Loved the video guys! The role play on the realtor end is literally 9/10 realtors I call! I usually don’t get much time on the horn before they shoo you away!

I have a follow up question as I listed to Cody! I too work for GEM by the way. When telling an agent you have a unique way to generate leads, what happens if the agent feels like you’re BSing them, or asks where those leads are coming from?

I like these videos and trying all of this by the way. Are there agents who could react poorly because they feel they are being sold or a carrot being dangled!

Any input is helpful!


Once I find a great a value I know I can’t be denied, I’d make all calls confidently! My thing is I know I’m not providing any major head turning value.


been in a bank LO where i got warm transfers past 3 years and never did cold calls 1st day today at a brokerage using my own personal value add with help from watching this video, 4/4 booked appointments with realtors such a great help.
