Top 7 Best Vampire Diaries Couples | Unpopular Opinions

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Hey Emmys! I'm sharing my favorite couples from The Vampire Diaries which includes some unpopular opinions! I try to focus on least toxic relationship.... kind of. Let me know who your favorite Vampire Diaries couple was in the comments below! Is it a Vampire Diaries unpopular opinion or is it popular? Let me know!

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Who was your favorite couple from The Vampire Diaries? 💜😍


Benzo. All she went through and all he went through they were good for each other. Just like you, never forget or forgive they killed Enzo.


I agree with Rose and Damon. I could see them working out long-term if she hadn't died. In the beginning, when they first introduced Bonnie and Enzo as a couple, I was like, "how the fuck did that happen? What?!" I could not picture them together at all, especially cause of how things were between them in the past and the fact that their relationship develop entirely off-screen, so we didn't get to see it. But that's just a testiment of the amazing acting they did with these characters. As the season went on and I saw Bonnie and Enzo together, I completely bought into their relationship and I was PISSED when they killed off Enzo! 🤬I hate how they treated Kat/Bonnie on the show! She deserved so much better and honestly, I think the show would have been so much better if they focused on Bonnie's character instead of Elena, but they weren't ready for that type of progression. One couple I wished they did was Lexi and Stefan. I liked them the moment I saw them together. Lexi was one of my favorites and I'm sad they killed her off too. I was hoping they'd bring her back at some point cause I wanted to see her and Stefan together, but when Stefan died in the finale and he went to his version of heaven and Lexi was there waiting for him, I feel like I kind of got the endgame I wanted for Stefan (even though they only show them as friends meeting up again in the afterlife, a lot can happen when you have all of eternity, so I'm picturing them as endgame).


Apparently one of the writers pitched Kol Mikaelson and Kai Parker as potential love interests for Bonnie but Julie Plec don't wanna see her win so Bonnie's love interests were either shitty people trying to kill her, disappeared or got killed off.

They could be another topic, how the writers gave Bonnie the shit end of the stick when it came to love interests. One of them tried to kill her, the black witch guy she liked got killed off, Jeremy cheated on her with a ghost, she even dated a guy who was technically her brother, they didn't let Damon and Bonnie get together after Elena left despite the fact Bamon is canon in the book series. Then made Enzo and Bonnie happen cause they didn't know what to do with Enzo then killed him


I've never understood the appeal of Delena as a couple. In season 4 and beyond, Damon and Elena brought out the worst in each other and they were in an unhealthy dynamic. Elena was much more lenient with Damon and often made excuses for his bad actions, Elena never held Damon accountable for almost anything, mainly because she knew he had her best interests at heart. After being turned into a vampire, Elena had lost touch with who she really was, especially when it came to her relationships. Elena did quite a few controversial things, some of which are even insensitive, unconscious, and dangerous (Taking hallucinogenic drugs to see Damon which made her lose control, asking Alaric to erase from her memory the fact that she loved Damon and the good memories she had with him etc...) Their relationship started quickly by a sire bond, which is not normal or healthy. Their relationship was based on emotional and physical co-dependence, intense passion and strong emotions but, it lacked depth and emotional connection that was found in the Stefan and Elena couple. I think Elena was rather attracted to Damon's mysterious bad boy image and the danger and excitement it provided. The fact that Damon himself had qualified their relationship as "toxic" is revealing. It is important to recognize the dangers of this type of relationship and not to trivialize or romanticize them.


Every single couple in vampire diaries are toxic lol


If you take in consideration reality then I agree alarc and Joe are one of the top, also Matt and Elena they were good both human and Elena broke up with matt even before meeting Stefan or Damon.
But what is the main goal for any tv show or movie? to entertain the viewers right? not thinking about reality, so for me the best couple is Damon and Elena, Demon had the best lines he was very very funny and made Elena fanny too, when Damon was flirting with Elena was fantastic that was so funny, Stelena was very boring stefan made elena boring, Delena was great that's why for me they are the best couple.
