Acts 15:1-21 - Fight the good fight - CityReach SOAP

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S. Acts 15:10-11 “Now then, why do you try to test God by putting on the necks of Gentiles a yoke that neither we nor our ancestors have been able to bear? No! We believe it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that we are saved, just as they are.”
O. Many of the conflicts in churches are really "bad fights," which we ought to avoid for they are not edifying. However, Paul, in 1 Tim 6: 12 speaks of fighting the "good fight." Some issues are so important that we must uphold them at any cost. In Acts 15 the early church concluded that faith in Christ is the key to salvation. But they also understood that correct teachings must also display love in application.
a) Pick the right fight: The disagreement over salvation by faith (1-5) Some Jewish Christians taught that Gentiles may become Christians, but only after first submitting to all Jewish rituals, including circumcision. This brought Paul and Barnabas into sharp dispute and debate with them. Paul and Barnabas went to Jerusalem to have the matter settled by the apostles and elders because this issue was at the core of what meant to be a Christian.
b) Clear and Correct teaching (6-18) The church leaders in Jerusalem came together to decide the issue. They did not just let the issue sit because the matter was too important for that. Peter and James, as two of the leaders, rose up to make a clear decision on the matter, concluding that it is through grace that all are saved – both Jew and Gentile – and not by obedience to the law.
c) Display love in application (19-21) James’ decision that Gentile believers should not be under the Mosaic Law was also given with practical instruction. It was important that Gentile believers did not act in a way that would offend the Jewish community and destroy the church’s witness among Jews. Gentile Christians were encouraged to abstain their rights in certain matters as a display of love to their Jewish brothers.
A. Paul and Barnabas fought a good fight and were unwilling to yield on the key issue of salvation. They were willing to travel to Jerusalem and putting their reputation at stake. Likewise, we must have the wisdom and courage to stand up on key issues today. On the other hand, the early church leaders were concerned with both doctrinal integrity and relational health. We must restrain our freedoms at times so that the higher good of mutual edification is accomplished.
P. Lord, thank you for the robust structure of leadership in the church today. I pray for the eldership in our church that they have the wisdom and courage to guide us to bring Glory to You and Joy to our city.

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