NO CORNROWS | NO BRAIDS | Easy CROCHET BRAIDS Install In 1 HR | Short Hair Protective Style Tutorial

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NO CORNROWS | NO BRAIDS | Easy CROCHET BRAIDS Install In 1 HR | Short Hair Protective Style Tutorial
Hey loves,
Today's video is a detailed Easy Crochet Braids Tutorial with No cornrows , No Braids literally a whole Braidless Crochet Install in 1 hour on my Short 4C Natural Hair. This is also a perfect quick and easy protective style for those of us that can't cornrow or can't even braid at all. I hope you all enjoy this detailed no cornrows crochet braids tutorial on my short 4C Natural Hair protective style where I show you how to achieve this short bob braidless crochet look
#nocornrows #crochetbraids #braidlesscrochet. If it was helpful, please don't forget to give me a big thumbs up, comment, share and subscribe. LOVE YOU!
1. Parting comb
2. Butterfly clamps
3. Hair comb
4. Edge brush
5. Spray bottle of water
6. GS by Sadora Hair growth oil
7. Cantu Leave-in conditioner
8. Style Factor edge booster gel
9. Style factor edge booster pomade
10. Curling mousse
11. Weaving Net Cap
12. 2 and half pack of Freetress deep twist in color 2 (22")
Use coupon code: GSADANA to get $$ OFF
4C Natural Hair Doesn't Slick Down!? LOOK AT WHAT SHE DID! Slick down Short 4C Natural Hair Tutorial
4C Natural Hair Slick down 2 Jumbo Braids Pigtail using Braiding Hair | Short Hair Protective Style
I CAN'T CORNROW | NO PROBLEM Abeg! Easy Natural Protective Style | Short 4C Natural Hair Tutorial
For business inquires, please email me
P.S: Learning is one step at a time. If you don't get it now, you will get it tomorrow as long as you keep practicing with patience. Keep trying... and you will get perfect at it ❤
Social links
-Snapchat: genny_dan97
Music artist:
Odoyewu - Show2babi
Youngbodzy - Ife
What camera do I use: Canon T6I
*Some affiliate links are used, which means I may receive a commission should you decide to click that link and make a purchase
You are awesome for reading up till this point and I hope you have a beautiful and lovely day! Don't forget to join the family by subscribing! Love you😍...
Hey loves,
Today's video is a detailed Easy Crochet Braids Tutorial with No cornrows , No Braids literally a whole Braidless Crochet Install in 1 hour on my Short 4C Natural Hair. This is also a perfect quick and easy protective style for those of us that can't cornrow or can't even braid at all. I hope you all enjoy this detailed no cornrows crochet braids tutorial on my short 4C Natural Hair protective style where I show you how to achieve this short bob braidless crochet look
#nocornrows #crochetbraids #braidlesscrochet. If it was helpful, please don't forget to give me a big thumbs up, comment, share and subscribe. LOVE YOU!
1. Parting comb
2. Butterfly clamps
3. Hair comb
4. Edge brush
5. Spray bottle of water
6. GS by Sadora Hair growth oil
7. Cantu Leave-in conditioner
8. Style Factor edge booster gel
9. Style factor edge booster pomade
10. Curling mousse
11. Weaving Net Cap
12. 2 and half pack of Freetress deep twist in color 2 (22")
Use coupon code: GSADANA to get $$ OFF
4C Natural Hair Doesn't Slick Down!? LOOK AT WHAT SHE DID! Slick down Short 4C Natural Hair Tutorial
4C Natural Hair Slick down 2 Jumbo Braids Pigtail using Braiding Hair | Short Hair Protective Style
I CAN'T CORNROW | NO PROBLEM Abeg! Easy Natural Protective Style | Short 4C Natural Hair Tutorial
For business inquires, please email me
P.S: Learning is one step at a time. If you don't get it now, you will get it tomorrow as long as you keep practicing with patience. Keep trying... and you will get perfect at it ❤
Social links
-Snapchat: genny_dan97
Music artist:
Odoyewu - Show2babi
Youngbodzy - Ife
What camera do I use: Canon T6I
*Some affiliate links are used, which means I may receive a commission should you decide to click that link and make a purchase
You are awesome for reading up till this point and I hope you have a beautiful and lovely day! Don't forget to join the family by subscribing! Love you😍...