Repair Dixon mower clutch

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Repair Dixon mower clutch.

Save yourself about $300.

Its been a year and the problem reoccurred! This time it was the black wire that broke. It was probably close to breaking a year ago, because I left the wire tie loose so the wire would have room to flex over a longer distance; not flex abruptly where it came out of the clutch housing.
My recommendation to anyone interested in attempting this repair is to fix both wires at the same time. Save yourself the trouble of a second repair at a later date.
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GOD BLESS YOU! I didnt know that you could check the clutch without running the mower. I have a smaller Dixon and it mowed about a quarter of my yard, then just stopped cutting. Turns out it broke a belt but because of the way the undercarriage is built, the belt just kind of hung out under there lounging around. Great job, and by the way, you're a lucky man, I wish I could find a good woman who would mow for me!!!


Thank You! This was very helpfull. I'm trying to repair a Dixon for a friend of mine. The little tidbit about not having to start the mower to test the clutch was great.


Very good save on that expensive clutch. To people that are having fuses blow I use a DC ammeter and connect it to the terminals of the fuse holder and see what it draws. I did one for a guy recently and the coil was shorted in the clutch so I had to replace it. My craftsman has the adjustable clutch so I try to keep it at the proper gap, about .010. Otherwise it can't pull the plate together and draws too much current and blows the fuse. Bad clutch was pegging out my meter at 50 amps. The new clutch spikes at about 5 amps while pulling in and only draws about 2 or 3 amps engaged.


Thank you fixed ours the same way u did works great now Thank you ...


My Dixon has started blowing fuses. I was told it could be because of this clutch. last time I was mowing it just died. so I went and got another fuse to replace the 20 amp that was blown. As soon as I put the fuse in it blew it. I heard it I pulled the fuse back out and sure enough it was blown. And the mower was off...everything disengaged and shut down. What do you think could be causing this?


We need to talk. I have a Dixon ram mag. I love it but it needs some repairs, can you help?


Very very good informative video sir and a great message! Happy wife happy life!!!! Whoever gave this video a thumbs down is a (fill in the blank)!


The clutch and PTO switch to have replaced was 356 bucks 2018
