An Encounter With A Wisconsin Dogman? | These Woods Are Haunted

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Whilst playing a BB gun battle with his cousin in the woods of Wisconsin, John notices that everything has gone quiet and sees a spots figure though the foliage. Did John witness an unnaturally large bear or was it something else more dangerous?

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Whenever the woods gets quiet, that is ALWAYS a bad sign. Definitely means there’s a predator around. So make sure u always hear birds chirping


You didn’t outrun it, it chased you out of it’s area.


Hmmm people that live in the woods get called cowards for being afraid to go outside at night or even during the day. But they’ll never understand the fear of looking outside a window into a pitch Black Forest, not knowing what’s looking back at you...


I'm a native from northern Canada and I grew up hearing all kinds of stories like this from my mom, dad and grandparents. There's so many unexplained things out there and I totally believe this because it happened in the old days and now it's happening again just this passed month we had a guy go missing trailing horses for a hunting outfitter and he still hasn't been found yet, all they found was his horse and jacket. He literally vanished in a matter of a few minutes even though his brother wasn't very far behind him at the time. They had a huge search party with volunteers and search dogs but still nothing!!


I just finished watching American werewolf in London and this confirms my phone is listening


If anyone can catch footage of a dogman and Sasquatch fighting that would be something


As a guy from north central Wisconsin and a hunter I can most certainly tell you there are things in these woods all over this state.


A friend who lived in the woods of North Virginia told me his father and him once saw what they thought was a giant black dog in the woods. But when they shot at it. It stood up on it hind legs and ran off. Freaking them out. They said it looked to be at least 6 feet tall standing up right and ran fast like a human.


Never keep going back to a place with bad vibes.


I live in central Wisconsin. Back in either 2014 or 2015, I was sitting by a campfire on the shore of a small lake, enjoying a beer with a lady, when we heard a growling thing approaching in the snow. It became more ferocious, louder, and seemingly angrier as it got closer. It's wrath seemed to be directed at us. And it sounded evil, and was deafeningly loud. We could not see it, as it was in the dark; but it could definitely see us, as we were in the light of the fire. It was on the freshly frozen thin iced lake, and seemed to be VERY close to us, when suddenly there was a sound of ice cracking and breaking, then the loud plunge, and sound of splashing, struggling, slushy ice and water, then silence (except for a few gurgles of bubbles.) I said to my lady friend, "We've got to help it!! The poor thing fell through the ice!!!" As I got up from my lawn chair she grabbed my arm and yelled "No!!! Better it than us!!" Over the years prior to, and since then, I occasionally have found very large paw prints in the snow on that property. Five to seven inches in diameter. They appear in the middle of the yard, then stop. Very strange... I do not care who believes or disbelieves my story; I know it to be true. I just don't know what the creature, or creatures are. I thought maybe a bear; but wouldn't figure a bear would approach a campfire; and the growling was so intense, that it almost sounded demonic.


I grew up about 15 minutes south of the location of this video. Also grew up as avid bear hunters so you get to spend a bunch of time in the woods at all hours. There's definitely a time or two where stuff happened that couldn't be explained


I love Wisconsin. Whenever I’m driving through the state especially the wooded areas I get a very strange mystical feeling from the land. There are many mounds and evidences of ancient civilizations in that state accompanied by just as many mythical creatures


“You freeze, you die” - camera man chilling few meters away from the guy in monster costume


Recently, whilst out cycling ( racing bike ) along a tarmac road that runs across a large military training area, and which dissects a large forested area, I was suddenly scared by an absolutely deafening and horrendous roar/howl right behind me just before the area opens out onto a plain. I thought - "yeah whatever - someone obviously playing a prank". Thinking it might be a trendy car horn, and expecting to see a car full of youths laughing their socks off, I glanced behind me and saw....nothing. I could not see what had made a noise which was so loud, it echoed through the forest and across the plain in front of me for a couple of seconds afterwards. I can tell you I mashed down on the pedals pretty hard. I have never before, or since heard anything like it. I hope I never actually come face-to-face with what ever produced such a terrifying sound.


I live on the outskirts of a Indian reservation in Wisconsin, parts of it don’t have power, you don’t wander especially at night, you don’t leave town on a half tank of fuel, and you always should have a couple forms of protection in any vehicle. Don’t whistle in the woods and always listen for birds. When you are in the woods, pay attention to the woods.


There's so much more to these kinds of stories. Hundreds of public servants have been coming forward with similar stories. Police. Military personnel. Forrest guards. Train workers. You name it their coming forward with their stories and it's crazy because it's not just one creature it's many different kinds of cryptoids


Never go into the woods or the forest without a shotgun
A rifle or a mechette.


This sounds like an absolute terrifying encounter. Kids are lucky creature didn’t hurt them.


If the dogman wanted you dead you'd be dead, your lucky. All these stories of dogman encounters proves these things are real with a open mind it's pretty obvious... That's a scary experience that you'll take to the grave with you.


I live in Wisconsin I have had 2 encounters with these werewolfs on my property. I have been on the travel channel and Josh gates.
