Alicia Admits She Forgets About Her Kid's Basic Needs | New Bangs!! GLOW DOWN
Pinworms can be easily transmitted in close quarters. AKA stuffing 14 people and a farm into a house designed for 5 people max!!!
I ran over here so fast I think I passed Forrest Gump on the way.
She ATE off of that fork, then PUT BACK INTO THE JAR ! You couldn't pay me enough to eat at her house.
I gagged when I heard they got pinworms. Nobody is washing their hands in that house. Dirty filthy disgusting.
"Every time she sings, an angel loses its wing" 😂😂😂😂😂
So damn nasty. I would never blast that all over the world....she really is over the top. Her poor kids are humiliated.
“Her thumbs are big as frying pans!”😂😂😂😂
I keep thinking of Bluey. "Stay away from him! He's got bum worms!"
She shops so much I can’t recall ever seeing hand soap. And with the amount of people in that house they should go through it pretty quickly.
She spent $100 in spices to make $10 worth of pickles.
Whenever I see Alicia touch food I remember Scary Movie and the butler with the nasty hand that stirs the mashed potatoes!! IYKYK!! 😂
It really pissed me off the way she cut up those cucumbers. And then to stick your fork you ate off of back in the jar
Who tells the world their children have pinworms? classy Lush does!
Last time I was this early was during my moms emergency c-section
Really, " make sure your hands are clean" was that after all the neighborhood kids came over & had nachos in a pool.😂
I made pickles with my Grandma from the time I was born and I have NEVER EVER seen pickles cut like that. Has she ever seen a pickle like that? And if not, why would SHE cut them like that? You don’t need to cut them at all but if you do, cut them in spears! And, like anything else that is canned, pickles need to be in jars that are air tight while they are pickling. As far as the pin worms go. If she knew that WhatsHisName didn’t wash his hands correctly why didn’t she make him wash them again before he started helping her? The department of health need to shut these people down!!!
Yeah their for sure going to get bullied for this.
“You had worms!”
She’s dipping the same fork into the jar after having the fork in her mouth!!!!
You're supposed to soak the cucumber over night in ice water to lock in the crunch then heat the vinegar. My Nanna made the best pickles ever!
Pinworms are pretty common, if your child is scratching their bum constantly or waking up at night ( this is when they are active outside the bum area and lay their eggs, while doing this they bite and cause a itching sensation)
You get over the counter medication and 2 weeks later take it a second time and they are gone.
But keeping nails short and clean can help. But you can literally get from a restaurant if the food prep doesn’t wash their hands properly. 🤢 it’s takes a few weeks to show signs.
** wash all bedding after taking meds in hot water and dryer, wash all underwear on hot and dryer, wash your body fully every day too. It helps prevent spreading.
As a mom to many kids who lives in the country unfortunately we’ve been struck by this a few times 🥴