Five big contradictions of Donald Trump's candidacy

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Donald Trump has contradicted earlier positions on key issues while campaigning for the GOP presidential nomination. Here are five of what critics call his biggest flip flops.
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I don't support either, but I find it hilarious that a lot of people who critique everything Obama has ever said, done, or even possibly thought are the same ones who could give a fuck less if Donald flip flops, or has even literally said he identifies as a democrat. Embarrassing followers.


I must say I expected bigger contradictions:
So yes his view on abortion was strange, but you could be he has to say it since he is running for the republicans now, the same counts for the 2nd amendment. 

Furthermore you should watch in what time frame things happened:
Hillary Clinton became secretary of state in 2009, that was after his donations.
Also the drugs issue was 25 years ago so a person can change his mind on society since society also changes.

All in all these contradictions seemed kinda weak. I searched for a reason to distrust him, but I haven't found any yet here.


I can’t stand Trump, but this video just doesn’t work. It contrasts donating to Clinton until 2007 with criticizing her in a position she only got in 2009, for instance. This isn’t how you do meaningful contrast.


Not getting a second term, if you ask me.


Stick with the real issues. Partial-birth abortion is already against the law. Obama signed off on legislation banning it in his first term in office. If you want to ask about something like this, ask if he would overturn the ban against partial-birth abortion.


The American people let the joke go way too far


You name it. Biggest flip-flopping teleprompter CLOWN ever.


Why do I feel like I just watched a propaganda film?


It sure looks like he's getting worse as time goes on.


Three of the five are easy to explain, the last two he needs to explain his change of position, but it is still reasonable.

I laugh at the mainstream media going nuts trying to get Trump out of the race. It makes me like him more.


considering an atheist can become a Christian at any point in their life.. this doesn't hold any water for me. You gain more knowledge about people and watch their actions .. your opinions change.


Rand Paul 2016! No socialists and no Imperialist dump.


I hate Trump, but some of these have a big amount of time in between them. People change their opinions.


It is only logical to think that we as human beings are very complex and we’re bombarded with limitless stimuli from many facets of life that cause us to change our minds. It is not logical to have the same exact dispositions and inclinations throughout the years, especially in the face of drastic change that is happening in the world right now, where chaos and confusion reign supreme. Let’s go Trump!


People gets older they tend to become more conservative. So what's wrong with switching party? He's certainly not the first.


ok maybe 14 years. you know what I mean.


These arent actually contradictions. A contradiction would be him supporting two very opposing things with no good reason all at the same time. This is just a before and after. He's allowed to evolve his policy over a LITERAL DECADE. And as for his stance on Jeb Bush: Why can't Trump just use the words of our "heroic" vice president Kamala, and say: "it was a debate *cackle cackle*" to explain what he said??


first of all, Hilary Clinton was not secretary of state when he donated and he cannot forsee the future. For the Jeb Bush thing, He wrote that in 2000 when he wasn't even considering running, he said he only disagrees with him on 2 issues. For the Drug war he was asked solely about marijuana and the legalization in Colorado, not the war on drugs as a whole. The abortion, he doesn't like abortion but thinks people should have the choice, well that is a grey area and Americans don't like grey areas, so he went with pro life. I am NOT for trump, i just hate when people try and twist shit around.


This doesn't work for the simple reason that you don't see Trump's mouth moving and hear him say the earlier statements. That's what the Trumpies will say. What happened to the old five minute piece that showed him actually verbally praising Hillary, talking about how the economy does better under Democrats, saying he was pro-choice, etc?


Some of these have like 10-15 year difference. If I was the same now as I was 10 years ago I would be pretty upset with myself this video does not hold much water in my perspective...
