FSF: War Of The Richard Stallman Open Letters

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I thought I should do one final video on Richard Stallman and FSF drama to wrap it up, today we're covering the 2 open letters that have spawned in response along with the following statements made by the FSF.

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==========Time Stamps==========
0:00 Introduction
0:54 Stance On Stallman
2:15 Open Letter
5:38 Support Open Letter
7:38 FSF Statement
9:42 Final Statement
10:18 Keep In Mind

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#Linux #RMS #FSF #RichardStallman

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Well as a Russian I can confirm...
We can come up with an English name for a bot.
I'd be more worried if 1000 John Smiths signed it))


Really disappointed to see Debian, TOR, Mozilla, and OBS signing. Debian doesn't surprise me though given how it's been totally taken over by freakish wokes. Glad Devuan basically said, "Fuck off, this isn't important; Go back to coding."


While I disagree, his beliefs on the age of consent are based on his desire to be "ideologically consistent". He believes that sexual degeneracy like fetishes, bestiality, same sex marriage, etc. should all be legal and tolerated, and I guess he "has" to defend pedophilia in order to be "consistent". To put it in other words, RSM's views on sexuality are the bottom of the slippery slope. Like you have the top which is evangelical christian conservatives, and you have the bottom, which is RSM.

And to be perfectly fair, RSM's believes regarding sex are exactly what many people (particularly leftists) actually think, but unlike the average leftist, RSM isn't afraid to actually say it.


As a non-profit the members can vote to remove directors as a special resolution.


RMS did nothing wrong. He said wrong things, but that doesn't matter. All that matters is that we should raise the age of consent to 25 so that everyone is angry and unhappy except wizards and apprentice wizards like me.


Brodie: It took Luke 7:32m to finally say what the problem with fish was
Also Brodie: Takes 11:26m to say "I wish your politics would just stop invading everything"
Lots of love hahahah


Bro I know you're not in USA but this stuff is literally never going to get any better.
We're headed for 1984 in the most literal terms IDK what it's like down under but the people who are behind this will never stop until all dissent against their status quo is crushed.


Don't cancel culture RMS - he is a legend


How about shipping all the people that signed the communist petition straight to China?


You do know GNU is not FSF? The GCC folks they are very unhappy with the richard stallman. One particular reason is they are C diehards while GCC was changed to use C++ as the implementation language.


What a bunch of non-sense lol. Reminds me of a quote of which I can't remember exactly, or the author. "The problem with clubs is the main purpose ends up being determining who's allowed in the club, rather than its original purpose."


I feel like people are attacking the Free software for a reason
we need to prepare accordingly


Sort of glad to see that the EFF didn't sign the removal letter. A handful of their members did sign, although in personal capacity.
And so far I've had quite goot impressions of the EFF.

Edit: they did write an article in which they supported the removal of stallman


I don't love RMS's personal views but I do very much believe in freedom of speech and have a vicious dislike of hypocrites. That more or less puts me adjacent to his corner by default.


Last time I was this early, the doctor told my mother she was lucky.


At 00:58 - 01:02, how did you do that? I was listening to this video and doing some work on other window and at this point, I had to check the video to see who was speaking.


As an American, I too wish political agitation stop invading "everything" also. It's a damn cancer and parasite taking over people's brain to where they lost all critical thought.


As an American, I also wish our politics would stay out of everything.


The removal letter's maintainers shut down all dissent and discussion. Maybe the individuals that signed it were OK, but the people running the show are psychotic.


I am going to blacklist all free softwares who signed the removal latter. And this is my decision, you cannot force anyone to not do that.
