Demystifying the Medication Access Process

Показать описание
My doctor prescribed a new medication. Now what happens? 2:49
Formulary: A list of medications covered by your insurance. 4:08
Biosimilar Medications vs. Generic. 5:00
Biosimilar medications and interchangeability. 6:55
Understanding interchangeability. 9:08
Specialty medications. 10:07
Infusion medications. 10:49
Prior authorization. 11:45
Medication denied. Now what to do? 13:20
Co-pay programs. 15:29
Got the medication. Now what? 17:12
My information has changed. What do I do? 18:05

Demystifying the Medication Access Process
December 2023
Presenter: Rachael Perritt, PharmD, BCPS,

Pre-authorization. Co-pay assistance. Appealing denied claims. These are just a few of the issues facing people with vasculitis who suddenly have to navigate the complex process of acquiring specialty medications. In this webinar, Rachael Perritt, PharmD, BCPS, at University of Pennsylvania provides a clear roadmap for people living with the disease and their loved ones. Rachael will cover topics including the pre-authorization process, appealing insurance denials, manufacturer co-pays, and the use of biosimilars.
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