DO I HAVE TO BE BAPTIZED IN JESUS NAME - Do you just have to believe - Faith alone

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Do I have to be baptized in Jesus name to be saved and go to heaven - or am I saved by faith and faith alone and don’t have to be baptized?

In this video, we’re going to explore baptism and salvation questions such as:

• If the thief on the cross was with Jesus in Paradise that very day – then why do we have to be baptized?
• Paul told the Macedonian jailer to just believe in his heart and he would be saved BUT then Paul immediately baptized him. Why?
• Did Jesus really say you would NOT go to heaven if you were not born again by water and Spirit?
• Why do you say we should be baptized in JESUS NAME when Jesus said to baptize in the NAME (onoma) of the father, son, and holy Ghost?
• Did Peter disobey Jesus?
• Does FAITH demand that I actually “do” something or do we just believe in our heart?
• How do we actually tie into the New Testament covenant with Jesus?
• Are we really saved by faith and faith alone – or is there more I have to do?

We’re going to look at all this and more!!
How did the disciples/apostles command baptism to be administered and if we’re living by faith – then why is baptism even necessary?

Stick with me in this video – and by the time we’re done – you’re going to have a greater understanding of water baptism vs faith and faith alone!!

You can check out some of my other videos on baptism:

How should I be baptized? Jesus name or Father, Son and Holy Spirit?

What name do we baptize in? Jesus, Yehoshua, Yeshua Iesus, Iesous, or Yehu?

Jesus name baptism vs the sinner’s prayer

Jesus name baptism – Frequently Asked Questions Part 1

See you in the video!!

God bless,
Theo Heartsill, 2020
Рекомендации по теме

Here's some other videos on baptism you can watch:

HOW SHOULD I BE WATER BAPTIZED? Was Paul baptized in Jesus name or Father, Son and Spirit?

CAN I GET BAPTIZED BEFORE I RECEIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT? Which first? Water baptism or Holy Spirit?

JESUS NAME IN HEBREW - WHAT IS JESUS REAL NAME? Should I be Baptized in Jesus Name?

Water baptism walkthrough bible study

Baptism – Remission vs Forgiveness

You MUST be baptized in Jesus NAME (Onoma)

Is JESUS NAME implied in Father, son and Holy Ghost?

WHAT HAPPENS TO A PERSON NOT BAPTIZED? Do you go to hell if NOT baptized?

DO YOU JUST HAVE TO BELIEVE TO BE SAVED - Faith vs Works - Are We Saved By Faith


Very powerful! Fixing to baptise my friends in the name of Jesus TODAY!


Fantastic explanation! Thank you! I've fallen into the the thief on the cross trap before. Also works trap as well. Appreciate your study!


It is really powerful teaching on the baptism in Jesus name.
I had learnt from you.
Thank you Sir. God bless you.
Bro. Khoa - from Vietnam


Enjoying your videos very much. I know someone else asked for a video about speaking in tongues. I'm also hoping you will be doing on that subject as well.


You are my kind of high strung, brother! I just came across you on YouTube he goes I am just now learning about the fivefold ministry gifts although I’ve been born again for nearly 20 years. I am in agreement with the way U taught on it. I look forward to learning more through you




Brother I love the way the Lord has blessed you to break down the word,


Great video brother, love the content.
If you dont mind, I Would like to get your thoughts on these points:

Point 1: we have no way of really knowing if the thief on the cross had possibly been one of Jesus's early disciples that are mentioned in the Gospel of John chapter 4 verses 1 and 2. if he had been then he was already baptized into Jesus name and we can tell that he did have a change of heart and a repentant Spirit by what he said on the cross.
Point 2: getting back to what the thief on the cross said he explicitly asked the other Mal factor on the cross. " Dost not thou fear God (Luke 23:40)" Now by this statement we can see that he was possibly a Jew because he talks of God as one hence he didn't say " fear the gods". Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem that is also the area of Judea. Now if we take this evidence together the thief on the cross was possibly a Jew and he was in Judea and believed. Now turning to the Gospel of Mark 1:5 and there went out unto him all the land of Judea, and they of Jerusalem, and were all baptized of him in the River Jordan, confessing their
We could also see that there is possible evidence that this man on the cross (a Jew) was likely baptized under John's baptism of repentance. The evidence when put together possibly shows for him being baptized at some


Many thanks for yet another wonder video unctioned by the Holy Spirit. I also tried to explain that it was the act of disbelief and of disobedience to God in the garden of Eden that led to Adam and Eve's separation from God. Hence in order to reconcile back unto God the acts of both believing and obeying the word of God are essential for salvation but all gets ignored. I pray that the Lord will continue to use you as always.
The problem is it doesn't matter what we tell them, their hearts seems to be fixed on what a particular person have been teaching them. They say we are legalistic. Nothing makes sense to them at all and instead of carefully reading or listening to good teaching, they sometimes even delete what we have tried to share with them to help them understand. My heart literally aches and so now have decided to intercede for them because not until the Spirit of God enlightens their understanding, they will not be able to get this truth and apply it.
I worry that as part of their teaching they are also told that the nano second they believe they are filled with the Holy Spirit... no one seems to be able to tell them otherwise even with supporting scriptures. No wonder Jesus gave the parable of the 10 virgins...


Thank you very much. Can you please what Romans 10:9, 10 means. Was it talking about how the remnant of Israel will saved or something else?


Okay so say a person is in a car accident, and they live long enough on scene for someone to share the gospel with them. They believe it, and then physically die a few minutes later. The accident didn't occur anywhere near a body of water, and nobody nearby nor the dying person has a container of water in their car. Emergency personnel aren't there yet either, just witnesses trying to help. Would you assert such a person is still toast in regards to eternity?


The thief on the cross didn't have an opportunity to get baptized.

Yes. Jesus was serious when He said "Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.”

He didn't just say that, He meant that. No water, no Spirit, No Heaven for you.

Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is who Jesus is, but that's not His name. He got a name and His name is Jesus. You can't be saved without that name.

Peter denies Jesus three times, but that was BEFORE he got saved.

Faith without works is dead. (James 2:26)

Ephesians 2:8-9

8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.

But that doesn't mean you can live however you want. You still have to live a holy life.


Correct about the thief on the cross.
Water baptism in the name of Jesus is the fulfillment of Matt 28:19 and is part of salvation. Receiving the Spirit & speaking in tongues is part of salvation. Speaking in tongues is not salvation but part of it.


My question is, how do I explain Romans 10:9, 10 to people?


Good video.. Strong points.. real strong


The only man to be called Baptist in the Bible identifies two other baptisms that do not include water.

“I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:” – Matthew 3:11

The Holy Ghost is spiritual and so is not made of water, and I’m pretty sure the baptism with fire would evaporate any moisture left on anyone who participates in that fiery furnace (Isa 4:4: Mal 3:2).

If you think baptism must always include water, then you are a little wet behind the ears.

Baptism does not require water, there are many examples in the Bible, and the one baptism you need does not require a single drop.

1 Corinthians 1:17 “For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.” 

Paul spent a year and a half teaching the Corinthians face to face and then later writes them thanking God that he did not baptize any of them except Crispus and Gaius and a few others.

Paul states that he was sent not to baptize but to preach the gospel. It is then obvious that the gospel that Jesus told Paul to preach did NOT contain baptism.

Rather, Paul’s gospel was without water baptism but a spiritual baptism into Christ (1 Cor 12:13).

What we can know now reading back through Paul’s experience with the Corinthians that just as Paul was not sent to baptize but to preach the gospel, so we are sent as followers of Paul.

“Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ. ” – 1 Corinthians 11:1


Weren't Jesus's disciples baptizing durring His ministry?


The thief on the cross did not get the gift of the Holy Spirit on the cross, Jesus told his disciples the Holy Spirit would not come until after he left, then he would send it, John 16: 7. In the gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John only two had the Holy Spirit, John the Baptist and Jesus. Even Jesus's own disciples did not have the Holy Spirit yet, Acts 1: 5. You do not understand the truth or what water baptism is. Not the thief, he is not our example, did he die for you? Then why are you putting your trust in him for salvation? JESUS is the way the life and the truth. Did Jesus get the Holy Spirit after water baptism? Are we different? Is he not the way? John was born with the Holy Spirit, JESUS was the only one in the 4 gospels who got the HOLY SPIRIT after being Baptized in WATER, nobody but him alone! Do you believe he is the Son of God? That he died for your sins and rose again? Then Repent and be baptized in his name. There is only one who gives the Holy Spirit now, JESUS. Did JESUS call it into his heart? Did JESUS except it as his personnel savior? No, his Father gave it to him after he was Baptized in water. Now all authority in Heaven and earth is given to JESUS. JESUS now sends the HOLY SPIRIT to those who believe in him and are baptized in water in his name for the remission of sins. As Jesus was baptized in water to get the Holy Spirit so must you be baptized in water. For JESUS is the way, the life and the truth. Follow him, not the thief. Also Paul was sent to preached the Gospel and Barnabas baptized believers in water.


Theo where are you getting this from?/Especially when you claim to be a disoensationalist. You rightly divide when it comes to the rapture but basing your gospel on Peters teachings to the Jews. Show me where Paul the apostle to the Gentiles teaches water baptism.Your teaching works salvation.You are smart enough to know Acts is a transitional book. I been baptized in Jesus name but I dont see anything requiring it. Yes its commanded. Peter is speaking to Jews. You know that now stop it. Lol
