She attended Arlington National Cemetery event at center of Trump controversy. Here's what she saw

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Former President Donald Trump’s campaign stirred new controversy during a visit to Arlington National Cemetery that was intended to draw attention to the chaotic US withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021. Christy Shamblin, mother-in-law of Marine Corps. Sgt. Nicole Gee who was killed in the Kabul airport joins CNN to discuss what she saw at the Arlington National Ceremony event. #cnn #news

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It’s her right to support trump if she wants, it is not her right to disrespect Arlington and the many troops buried there with using their graces as a political prop with photos and smiles and thumbs up.


She was a speaker at the Republican National Convention. I don't think the families invited Trump and Biden to honor their daughter with equal sincerity, as she insinuates here. The family was complicit in Trump using their story for his campaign and she's misrepresenting that here.


Translation: "Yes, Trump and his team didn't follow the rules and laws, but our family doesn't care about that or other families because we're Trump supporters."


If anyone thinks the former knows what Sacred & Hallowed means is delusional.


I am a retired Marine.
These families have every right to commemorate their fallen service members, and to invite others to join them. They have absolutely NO right to stand on the graves of others whose families were not consulted and did NOT consent to have their loved ones' graves used as props for a grinning thumbs-up photo op and a speech trashing a political opponent.
This bereaved woman may say there was no campaigning conducted in Section 60 that day, but Trump is on video campaigning there. The video indicates that she is not correct.
Many of the things she said about the Afghanistan withdrawal, however heartfelt, are just not true - they are recycled Fox/Trump lies.
As for this her support of Trump, I have to wonder what she thinks of Trump's having engineered that Afghanistan withdrawal situation in the first place, and of Trump calling her late daughter-in-law a sucker and a loser, and of his refusal to confront Putin over Russia paying bounties to insurgents in Afghanistan for killing Americans.


I don't care what she says. It is tacky and weird to do a "thumbs up" photo op over the grave of a loved one and veteran.


She refused to answer. And these same people would’ve made heads roll if Harris went to Arlington to pull a political stunt. Double standards and hypocrisy, period.


What is the point of this interview Michael?? It’s AGAINST FEDERAL LAW TO FILM IN SECTION 60 and use it for political purposes!!! How can that be more clear? It doesnt matter one bit what she thinks. She cannot waive federal law!!! Duh. What about that do you not understand?!?


Well I’m glad that disrespecting an entire graveyard full of soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice, helped you feel better


You support a man using your deceased child, for political gain? As a vet, that disgusts me.


imagine inviting the man who orchestrated the deal that left your loved one in danger...


Remember the 65 soldiers who died during trumps tenure.
Thankyou for serving your country


This family is using their service member as a prop. Disgusting.


Former active duty member here. We ALL used to have a deeply united sense of pride for our military members and veterans. It was the ONE thing everyone in America agreed on. It was also understood by ALL that a cemetery is a place of quiet reverence for our fallen heroes and comrades. Sad that we've allowed this man to turn what USED TO BE a united understanding and revered part of America into a political battleground. Regardless of how you stand politically, it is a foundational thing to honor the fallen by NOT showing exuberance on such hallowed ground. It is a place of remembrance, not a place for celebration.


He didn't just " cross a line", he broke Federal Law !!! Be honest!


Wow. So many people commenting here are finding fault with Biden and/or Harris for “not showing up” in the middle of a campaign. How can they miss the point that actually that shows respect rather than the opposite? Respect not only to the veterans and their families but also for the rules of the cemetery itself. People, stop trying to defend the indefensible!


I'll say it, as ugly as it sounds...the family was complicit in turning it into a political event.
They KNEW EXACTLY what the trump campaign was gonna do.
She's lying about not knowing what Tik-Tok is or not seeing the video.


Why would she invite a man who called soldiers: "suckers and losers"?


The dude got her kid killed and she's still in his fucking cult. Insane.


After her final statement, it comes to this vet mind, She knew what she was doing. So sad.
