Know When to go at Roundabouts Driving Lesson, Roundabout Blockers - Identifying & Seeing Gaps

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This video has been made to help you identify Gaps on the approach to roundabouts by looking at the body language of other road users.

In this short video we try and make seeing gaps using blockers and reading the body language of the other cars. we have tried to make finding gaps at roundabouts as simple as possible. Although the thought of large Multi-Lane Roundabouts seems scary. In a lot of cases they are very well laid out with signs and road marking. So, if you understand what to look for and what they mean. They can become much easier than you first thought.

This video was filmed using roundabouts in the area of Farnborough Driving Test Centre in Hampshire

If you have any questions about finding gaps and reading traffic at roundabouts, please comment below and we will reply ASAP. We Are driving instructors that teach people to use Large Multi-Lane Runabouts every day, so we have great experience to answer your questions with, and are happy to help.

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It is recommended that you take professional driving lessons from a fully qualified driving instructor alongside these videos. These videos are NOT meant to be an alternative to driving lessons and are only a guide to help you understand the subject at hand. Think Driving School cannot accept liability for misleading or inaccurate information. All information in this video was accurate to the best of our knowledge and experiences at the time of filming. This video was filmed in the UK so please check the rules and laws for your country.

#thinkdrivingschool #gapsatroundabouts #BasicRoundaboutSkills
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That is really helped me to work out how to drive into a roundabout. Thank you so much.


Thank you very much for the videos. Passed today :)


This is helpful... I've learned something today.. Thank you so much..


Thank you, really good video. I have my test next week and its just multilane roundabouts Im not 100% confident with, mainly reading others users but this has really helped so hopefully I can out in practice this morning on my driving lesson!! I also used to live in Farnborourgh, so thats was funny to recognise !


thanks for this lesson and thank you very much


great tutorial for beginners, but I have to say these were easy roundabouts. Some have multiple lanes and are very busy, with road users either not indicating or indicating wrong. which are hard to navigate even for experienced drivers. I would love to see a tutorial on one of those islands.


hi thank you for this video, very helpful. can i request that you can do one like this for smaller roundabouts please. thank you sir!


Hello! Just wanted to say that this video helped me! I just got one question regarding driving in a roundabout/traffic circle. My mum uses a teqnichue where she sees where the car is going to go based on it’s position and blinking. I am very bad at doing this and was wondering if you could explain it? Or make a video on how to read the direction of a car in a roundabout?

In a big roundabout I get overwhelmed because there are so many cars driving at once, and I have been told that you need to be effective and get out of that roundabout as soon as possible, but I just stand there and don’t know if the cars are going to keep driving straight ahead (in which case I can drive because it creates a gap) or to the left (in which case the car drives past me and appears on my left, and I am forced to wait)


can i suggest to make more videos like this on a roundabout but a little longer for practice please thanks.


Hi. This is probably a stupid question but is there ever a time when you can go when there is a car on the inside lane? I have seen people doing this (when the car is going slow or when it is before a certain point on roundabout) or is it like don't go at all when a car is in the inside lane? Thanks


lets say its 3 lane roundabout im about to turn left, traffic next to me is also waiting gap, can i move same time with my traffic if they see a gap or its bit risky? even if they block my view can i use that traffic like a shield? lets say same about going straight ahead?


In a driving test, is it a major to miss an opportunity at a roundabout?


If I am not sure and if I dont go, will I get a minor for that?
And if I repeat this hesitation for more than 3 times am I gonna fail?
