Pandemic dynamics: How to prevent the next lockdown | COVID-19 Special

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Omicron suddenly changed everything. The coronavirus variant shifted the focus to boosters, restricted travel and more home testing. Few governments are eager to return to the blanket lockdowns that robbed so many people of their livelihoods. So what's the answer?
Measures are becoming more targeted. In Germany, non-essential shops and recreational venues are off bounds for the unvaccinated. Pandemic dynamics mean whatever the measures, it's the timing that counts.
It's a balancing act – the right measures to protect our lives and our livelihoods. Even the countries we thought were handling this pandemic so well are struggling to get the balance right.

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at the end, you're talking about US. Fine. But how about Portugal & Israel? With almost 90% vaccination rate they are still in lockdown, travel ban (Israel) and high surge of the 4th wave. Why? Why should people vaccinate if that is expected anyway? Just for mitigating the personal risk? It might not be enough.(signed: a vaccinated reader).


Omikron, our savior? Omikron has exponential rate growth detected in the south-african sewer systems. But hospitals do not fill with omicron cases. In fact, omicron cases are incidentally detected on patients that came in for other illnesses. Comparison of previous waves (Pw) vs omicron wave (Ow):
Length of hospital stay: Pw: 7.8 vs Ow: 2.8 days. Need for Oxygen: Pw: 70% vs Ow 30%. Despite the dramatic rise in the case rate for the Gauteng Province there is an absence of any significant increase in in-hospitals deaths. Too early to draw conclusions but the trend is promising.


When you speak about vaccinated vs unvaccinated, please refer to demographics, otherwise your assertions are meaningless. Unvaccinated children get over covid much easier than vaccinated adults and elderly who have breakthrough infections. Breakthrough infections, by the way, are becoming very common amongst those who received their dose five or more months in the past.


notice the clips from asian countries: despite the vaccine, the people are wearing masks. compare this with the clips from europe. then compare the daily covid cases. i asked a niece in UK if she is wearing masks. she says no because she is already vaccinated. we here in asia still wear masks because we know that the vaccine will just mitigate the effect and there is still a possibility that we we will be infected depending on the viral load.


The hairdo of this guest is a lot scarier than covid to be honest 🤨🤨


Prevent more lockdowns, get rid of current governments, we won't forget your police state action's.


It's all about compliance. Wake up!


If all dies then there will be no need of lockdown 😆


Nuremberg Code (1947).
* In the face of a medical procedure, the VOLUNTARY CONSENT OF THE HUMAN SUBJECT is absolutely essential, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deception or coercion.

* Anyone who facilitates the violation of the Nuremberg Code would put themselves in a position to be charged with committing a crime against humanity.


Getting the balance right should start with an equitable distribution of vaccines


Just wondering when you say unvaccinated do you also mean the same issues apply to those who have recovered?


The difference between Asian and Western, in the street they wear masks no matter what. There were some unmask but mostly they got warnings from others. It doesn't matter about the effectiveness or being free. It's all about caring.


People are not accepting of these conditions the government isn't leaving a choice and most people just want to get on with our lives but its never enough is what people don't understand and this will never end until we make it end


There is this thing where governments ignore that Delta spreads well enough among the vaccinated to be problematic and not consistent with their narratives.

The epidemiological relevance of the COVID-19-vaccinated population is increasing - The Lancet Regional Health – Europe

COVID-19: stigmatising the unvaccinated is not justified - The Lancet

There are problems with the official narrative.


The US CDC director just said (yesterday) that over 75% of covid deaths were in people with at least four comorbidities with average age at TOD of 72 years old.


Unlimited covid19 Jesus Christ is coming repent is not too late at the end of the world


People who don't vaccinate probably think:- "why am I going to vaccinate if nothing will change?, If everything will be the same, if I am going to wear a mask, if they are going close everything? If I have to vaccinate again and again?"


J Bhattacharya, is the Head of Medicine at Stanford University California (and also an expert in infectious diseases) and recently said “the lockdowns were the biggest public health mistake, of all time.”


Increase in severe cases in Seoul. They’re not obese or unhealthy.
