GrafanaCONline: Loki future
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It has been two years since Tom Wilkie and David Kaltschmidt created the design doc that kickstarted the Loki project. In this presentation we will go back in time and talk about the original design for Loki and then compare/contrast that with where the project is today. We will then spend some time talking about the future plans for Loki, what some long term goals and non-goals are, what features we would like to add, and highlight the active discussion and plans for the LogQL query language. Finally, we will close by talking about the difficult and often controversial topic of monetizing open source projects – confirming our commitment to Loki open source while explaining our Hosted Loki and Loki Enterprise.
GrafanaCONline: Loki future
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Effective troubleshooting with Grafana Loki - query basics
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