Law School Admissions

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Law school admissions can be difficult to understand. Here is an insider's view of the admissions process at most law schools.


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Please share your insights into the law school admissions process, and post any questions you have.


5:19-6:24 So you're saying it's okay for a parent to make a call for their kid to get into law school when they know the faculty members.. However, when a parent doesn't have connections it's looked down upon if they call on their child's behalf. The fact that this behavior is so normalized in law school admissions departments that they actually reserve seats for these kind of students is sickening. Can't even have law in law school smh


When he brought the pillows out I was weak😂😂


5:40 I remembered this part when I learned of the recent college admissions scandal. It comes across as if it's accepted people bribe or get into school just by knowing someone and not merit.


Schools: We take a holistic approach.

Learn Law Better: Yeah, if you have the LSAT and GPA they do.

Me and Kira: I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!! I KNEW


I am going to work in April, installing and servicing the ancestor, clients a built and delivered crying free inheritance plan with the Iterdiction trust Administration 105 security provisions going globally.


Hello Professor, thank you for such an insightful video. I hope this message finds you well. First, I’d like to state that I will likely be a ‘splitter’ as my uGPA is far lower than the median for the schools i will be applying to. However, I’ve been frequently scoring well into the mid 160s in LSAT practice exams (i will be sitting for the August 29th exam). I am currently an MBA candidate with an expected graduation date of Dec 2020. My question is, should i wait until I’ve completed the MBA program to submit my applications to the law schools? Or, since the graduate GPA does not impact the LSAC uGPA, would it be better to submit the applications as early as possible with the unofficial graduate transcripts? Wish you well. Thanks!


Hello, thanks for the insightful information. However, can you share your views about early admission binding decisions and how to explore its possibilities. I think it will be helpful if there are strategies to manage putting students on hold for accepting early decision binding and overcoming its challenges.


Your Neck tie is really cool, can you please tell me where you got it from? I want to buy one for my father, he is a lawyer as well


Thank you for spending the time to educate us on these guidelines.
I'm 31 years old and I had a very poor GPA in undergrad where i majored in fine arts but minored in art history, (all my writing courses got relatively high grades due to my writing and analytical skills) . I'm currently taking high school courses to try to get into another undergrad to prove to admissions committee that I'm capable of doing well academically.
Do you have advice on someone like me who's struggled, but still has that goal to work as a lawyer one day?
Thank you.


all those requirements?? awsome
unfortinately in our country is accessible for everyone
i optained 81% score in my baccaloréat exam ( semular to gcse in gb) and i was surprised by finding law students who 've got 50% in their baccaloréat


Thank you so much!! Is Law-related internship highly preferred or required?


Hello, thank you so much for all the advice that you give it helps so much .am great ful


What are the most important things international applicants have to keep in mind? What usually causes their applications to be denied, if they otherwise have great GPA and LSAT scores?


Very helpful advice! I’m currently waitlisted. I have a STEM PhD and 3 years of work experience. Is there anything I can provide to the Admissions Office at this point to help?


Very good video. I like it. May I ask if the admission is more difficult for foreign students?


Does having a low credit score and traffic tickets would effect your admissions. Can you start. Law school when your 45 ? Second career


I know you mention the presumptive deny group if someone has a low GPA and LSAT score. However, what if someone is a splitter and has a high GPA but low LSAT score? My GPA for a particular school is higher than their 75th percentile mark but my LSAT score falls in their 25th percentile.


Sir, i recently subscribed to your channel an have been going through your videos.
I had a question regarding the resume itself and have not been able to get a clear answer. I’m an officer in the army, soon to be applying to law school. Where in the resume would I put the courses I did in the military? I got certifications from said courses, and in the army it is considered TRADOC (ie school house). Examples include BOLC and Bradley Leaders Course. So would these go in the education portion? A certification portion? The work experience portion? Any advice would be appreciated.


Very informative thank you! If you apply in July right before the end of the cycle to start that august and you are under the median lsat by one point are your chances of being admitted good or bad?
