How the Kemper Replaced My Amp (Kemper and Helix Profiles)

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Josh Scott bares all: "I'm leaving my tube amp for a Kemper!"

0:00 Intro
1:18 Pedal World News
2:57 The setup
4:17 What the Kemper does
5:08 First amp, Loud is More Good
6:43 Jam one, Loud is More Good
7:59 1993 Blues Deluxe
8:46 Jam two, Blues Deluxe
9:38 The legendary blonde Bassman
10:39 Jam three, Bassman
11:25 Pedal World News (Tone Junkie)
12:03 Spam, ham in a can
12:41 Vox AC30
13:06 Jam four, Vox AC30
13:52 JCM 800
15:23 Jam five, JCM 800
16:20 Sovtek MIG 50
16:55 Jam six, MIG 50
17:57 A message to Joe Bonamassa
18:30 Twin Twelve
19:30 Jam seven, Twin Twelve
20:41 Pedal World News (Emily Harpist)
21:19 Gibson Skylark
21:54 Jam eight, Skylark
23:27 Nick and Addison call for help
25:11 Thanks for watching!

The jams from this episode are on BandLab! Head over to the link below to jam with us, download the stems, and create your own samples from our sounds... or all of those things.

#jhs #thejhsshow #kemper #helix
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I too was shocked by the news.
I dismantled my JHS pedals and was shocked to see that they were just made of Kemper profiles as well!
We have been lied to for so many years!
Considering a class action…


I’m in tube amp Facebook groups and they’re all genuinely mad at this and all of a sudden they’re all saying how these videos have “always sounded horrible” despite the fact that this has only been happening for a year. I saw someone say “if he’s lying about this then he’s probably lying about other stuff”. Then some of them are mad that Josh can get pedals that typically are considered bad to sound good and they think he’s faking it. This stuff is crazy.


This show is unhinged and I love it, you guys do a great job!


My Kemper arrived today. JHS profiles already downloaded ready to load. Great video!


Y'all don't seem to be tapping the brakes on the weirdness and I am 100% here for it. Thank you.


Using a Kemper for a year... This has to be one of the most epic trolls of all time in the guitar gear world. Well done Josh and collaborators. Cue the line of people who'll comment they could tell something was off about the tone these last 12 months.


I loved this but it's impossible to share it with anyone else because it is so niche and have so much context behind it that they would probably sent me back to the mental hospital. 10/10


I'm a Kemper user myself for almost five years now - so I already know how freaking good this thing is, no need to convince me, but this vid is pure gold in terms of comedic timing and overall execution, love it! <3 <3 <3


I saw the kemper quite a few times and wondered what you guys were doing with it, if you own one they stick out like a sore thumb. Kempers are GREAT pedal platforms, the profiling is one thing but unlike a lot of digital gear, you can push the input just like a tube amp, they respond great to fuzzes, overdrive, anything a tube amp does. I run my board into my kemper first, then use the direct out into my interface as a DI as well as stereo outs so I have dry DI and amped sounds all the time. They feel awesome to play, sound great, and as Josh proved, if you don't KNOW you're hearing a kemper, all you hear is great tone.


I agree 100%. It is definitely time to embrace new (11 year old) technologies!


Josh’s sense of humour is exactly what the Gear community needs 😂


I mean, this has got to be nominated for some kind of Award! This was amazing. Even if it's a good show award. Bravo lads and lasses, Bravo!


This is a cautionary story. The Kemper ultimately leads to spam can slide guitar. Spread the word to all the guitarists you love before it's too late!!!


I have been following this site for many years now and I have to say, Josh and the crew always deliver a fun, entertaining presentation and this was no exception. I loved the outrageous premise coupled with the mockumentary production style.


That slide playing with the SPAM can is now a permanent piece of guitar history


OK, this was pretty damn good. Love the fact you didn't do a lot to hide what you were up to and nobody noticed. None of the "tubes or death" crowd got a whiff.

I can think of a lot of things Spam needs. Salt is not one of them.


rhett shull ; amateur slide enthusiast was the sickest burn of all time, but I loved this whole episode. Great job team 👏 👍


I found a POD 2.0 with the floor board over the pandemic - $100. It has allowed me to play so much more than when I was using an amp in the house. Using MIDI and the Line 6 software you can really tweak the settings and dial in a great tone. I'm sure that is similar to how the other systems work. My Morning Glory is in front of the POD and sounds great into those models. In fact, you can put your whole pedal board in front of it just like an amp. My amps have been stowed away in the garage and I'm not mad. In fact, I think I'm happier. 97% of us are just hobbyists and don't need back breaking, ear blasting tube amps in their houses. You don't even need to spend the money on the newest modeler/profiler....The kidney bean is still viable. You can apply the extra savings to buying healthier food to make you strong so you can play better :)


We’re blaming Josh, but we forget to blame ourselves for letting it get to this. I’m sorry we weren’t there for you when you needed us most 🖤


Will Smith, FTX, and now this. Just when we thought 2022 could not get any worse. We thought Josh was one of us. He is the Sam Bankman Fried of Lance Armstrong.
