Federalist Society's Role In Picking SCOTUS Nominees

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The Federalist Society helped put together a list of judges that President Trump should nominate for the Supreme Court. Jennifer Braceras, an attorney and spokesperson for the Federalist Society, joined Paula Ebben and Liam Martin for a discussion.
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Im troubled by the role played by the Federalist Society. The influence of the Federalist Society on Judges, makes the Judges nolonger independent.

A Judge in a court case needs to be swayed by Legal arguments presented in court by all Lawyers. If a Judge from the Federalist Society is presiding over the case, the Judge will be tainted by the Federalist Society's philosophy before the case even commences. Hence they cannot be swayed. This results in Judges being activists, propelling the Legal agenda of the Federalist Society. Obviously this is not true judging, its just pure activism on the bench. A true Judge, is a judge that can be swayed by Legal arguments. Not a rigid fake judge. The Lady Justice is blind. This means Justice is blind. But how can a Federalist Society Judge exercise blind justice when one of their eyes (is unblind) and sees through the occular lense of Federalist Society philosophy.

The Senete Judicial Committee needs to investigate Judicial independence: especially the arms reach of the Federalist Society. Judges are nolonger independent.
