How the U.S. Uses Wars to Fuel Perpetual Consumption|Yanis Varoufakis

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In this insightful dialogue, we bring together two prominent scholars, Zhang Weiwei, a renowned Chinese intellectual, and Yanis Varoufakis, former Greek Finance Minister. They dive deep into the complex relationship between the U.S. and Europe, examining how American capitalism, driven by Marxist-like strategies, uses military conflicts to maintain global dominance.
#europe #usa #capitalism #eu #ukrainewar
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I see Yanis and I click. He never fails to make me more informed.


Yanis you are best...👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍


Excellent presentation in a very well explained and detailed historic actors involved in the German and Iraq/Saddam scenario. Bravo Yanis!!


I am glad for videos like this to wake people up to what had caused our world to turn upside down.

Once you see it, you can't unsee it.

Hopefully enough people will get it in order to help make changes for a better world.


US is not in the business of making things. It is in the business of consuming things, which it paid for by issuing debts in the form of accounting entries at the Fed. The risk is not whether US can do without foreign imports, but for how long it can sustain foreign imports that it paid with accounting entries


Kissinger, Heinz(Henry) said that the U.S. A. economy can not progress without the "consumption of products:goods and serviced of war".


When one understands that these wars are to fund the country clubs of the executives of the military industrial complex one can understand why serviceman pushed brand new helicopters off aircraft carriers into the South China sea after the fall of Saigon & why they left Humvees for the Taliban after the withdrawal of Afghanistan...


the first time US did this was with Japan. In the beginning 1940s, US was still suffering from the great depression, but after they joined WW2, their GDP skyrocketed. At that point, US economy got dependent of the military industrial complex. Since then, they need constant war to create aggregate demand for their industry.


Interesting stories I never heard before. Looking at the Gaza Genocidal War by Israel with the Full Support of the US, Yanis Varoufakis narration of the Iraq war is quite believable indeed!


Varoufakis talks here about something that I intuited at the beginning of the Second Gulf War, when I said that the USA was the fantasy name of an immense, bloodthirsty and profitable company: American War Inc.


Thank you for a great informative video ❤
Greets from Denmark 🇩🇰🇩🇰


I spend a lot of time thinking about the root of things, trying to find meaning. It seems to me that exploitation of fellow humans is a very Western mode of operation. Why? Exploitation of your own people as workers, to say nothing of colonialism, economic neo-colonialism, and waging forever wars merely as a means of creating profit centers for your military industry. Certainly there has been conflict and wars all over the globe, but in other places it has been more a competition between neighbors, with whom you do share at least some similarity of mentality and culture. It seems to me a distinctly Western thing to sail across the world, find peoples and nations with whom you have nothing in common, and proceed to violently subjugate them, especially as it still happens in modern times of the past couple of hundred years.

My theory is that this is deeply rooted in psychology, stemming from philosophical and religious origins. Western philosophy is very much focused on the individual. If you believe Jung, Christ is a symbol for the Self. It's a compelling idea that Christianity is a religion for growth and development of oneself, how you should cope and how you can thrive with the facts of life. At least, that is the psychology it develops. These are valuable teachings as such. You can actually find parallels in this regard to Eastern systems of thought as well, in Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism. The troubles begin with the fact that you're not alone as an individual, you are part of a society. If the development of oneself is left unbounded, how can it not spill over into growth at the expense and exploitation of others? Here you find the advantage of Eastern systems that lead to a more collectivist mentality, especially as you mix in Confucianism. They engender cultural mores whereby you're kept in place as part of a greater whole. For instance, they have concepts like Mandate of Heaven - as a ruler you have to do good by your people, or else you will lose your mandate and calamity of one form or another will befall your nation eventually. I don't think there is a Western counterpart for this. I find Western culture to be lacking in this regard, where even though democracy was development as a system of government, in the psychology of Western people the individual remains preeminent.


I do not agree with Yanis Varoufakis when he says that "Americans are intelligent and have a more practical mindset." Being "practical" and being intelligent are two different mindsets. Americans are not intelligent. They are cunning. Intelligence and cunning are two different mindsets. Very different. Cunning is blind. It only sees the immediate benefit. It does not see the long-term consequences.


On the money so to speak Yanis. Lets continue the fight against capitalism, many will stand with the cause brother. Mark Smit



Yanis is great analysis and information on economics. 😅 😂


Varufakis finally realized the Chinese people are the only people who really listen to him, in EU he was speaking, acting, lecturing for years and years and nobody really listen


the world needs complex thinkers like Varoufakis. Chomsky replaced Bertrand Russel in the role of “the wisest man of the village”, and apparently Varoufakis is to replace Chomsky there.


How about the open role of Isr--l in the destruction of Iraq, Syria, and Lybia? Where does it fit in this scheme?


“A million people died!”, and for what?


Yanis is my favourite socialist leftist thinker. I don’t always subscribe to his view, but I will always listen to him.
